Chapter 11: Insult and Injury

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I stepped back as Gidion raised his long blade in the air. He thrust it to the ground sending a shockwave in my direction. I dodged the shockwave and watched as it tore the rubble scattered across the ground to pieces.

I looked back and saw that he was gone and saw a shadow on the ground and rolled aside as Gidion slammed into the ground where I stood, creating a small crater.

"Raw strength won't get you very far." I stated.

He turned to me and swung his sword horizontally. The shockwave shot towards me. I turned around and saw the little shack where the girls were.

I turned Beowulf into the scythe and reflected the shockwave back at Gidion. It threw him back a small distance and scraped his armour.

"Haha, so this is your weapon. It is able to redirect my Tempests. You are a worthy opponent!" Exclaimed Gidion.

He slowly walked towards me, keep his blade pointed in my direction. He may look clunky and slow, but he's quick.

He dashed forward and made a heavy swing but I managed to block it with the scythes neck. I shoved him back and made several quick slashes with Beowulf that reflected off his armour.

I leapt backwards and turned Beowulf into the revolvers and opened fire on Gidion. Gidion held up his shield and a green aura shone off of the shield and stretched out around his body.

I leapt up close and slashed on the aura only to be bounced back as Gidion made a slash at my arm making a deep gash in my left shoulder.

I flinched and dashed backwards. I licked some of the blood dripping down my arm and turned back to Gidion.

I pushed myself out and threw my weight onto his shield, causing him to stumble backwards, breaking the green aura. I slashed at his chest and finally made it through his armour to his flesh.

I shoved him backwards and he held out his sword to me.

"You truly are a worthy opponent. Sadly, I must kill you to have the queen." Said Gidion.

He shed an outer layer of his armour and held out his sword to me once again.

He moved at an even more incredible speed for what he looked like now that he had less weight.

I moved to deflect his attacks but faltered when I hit a point that put strain on my shoulder.

He kicked me down to the ground and held his sword to my throat.

"You have been an excellent adversary, but I must now end your life." He said.

He looked at the sunset as the sky turned a dark shade of orange.

"A fitting scene. Do you have any last words?" He asked.

I turned and saw the girls running towards us with Derek behind them.

They all stopped beside us.

"Ruby, take care of Alice, till I get back." I stated.

Gidion raised his blade but was stopped.

"Wait! What if you showed him mercy for being a powerful warrior?" Interjected Derek.

"What is this, brother?" Asked Gidion.

"I mean, you could show him mercy for giving such a great battle and let him leave." Said Derek.

"But showing him mercy would mean showing disrespect for the Lady Ruby." Argued Gidion.

"Then why not encarcerate him? He could continue living but would be within our prisons for a time." Said Derek.

"Yes, but I shall take my spoils." He said reaching for Beowulf.

He grabbed onto it and his eyes widened and he started to shake and his hand started to smoke. He tore his hand away from it and looked at his melted gauntlet and blackened flesh.

Beowulf changed and sunk into the skin on my right arm and formed into an image of a wolf.

"Now, let us go to the castle and celebrate." Said Gidion.

We all boarded the ship once more and moved a small distance to a large castle sitting atop a hill.

We gathered in a large room full of various delicacies.

I sat next to Alice and Linda and across from Gidion and Ruby. Derek sat next to Alice and was constantly trying to touch her hand.

We ate in silence. I had to give Derek the evil eye on occasion when he would get slightly aggressive.

The food was soon gone and we were shown to where we would be sleeping. Once everyone was gone, I made a b-line to Alice's room.

I knocked on the door quietly and heard her soft voice, "Come in."

I opened the door and slipped inside to see her standing next to the bed in a frilly pink nightdress.

I walked up to the bed and sat down at the edge of it.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She had been holding her head down wince I had walked in and looked up at me. She had tears running down her cheeks and a quivering lip.

"I'm happy that your alive." She said squeezing me as she cried silently.

I held her as she cried for some time until she come to a soft sob. I brushed a tear from her eye and looked her in the face.

"I can't die. I'm supposed to be in this massive prophecy about... something." I said exaggerating with my arms.

She smiled slightly as I said this.

I held her in a loving embrace for some time before she pulled away. She leaned down on the bed and patted down beside her. I laid down next to her and pulled the covers over us as she hugged my side. I turned and held up her chin and kissed her softly. She melted into me as I did this and soon after, fell asleep.

I couldn't help but feel hateful eyes on me as I laid beside her but I ignored it and fell asleep.

I woke up with Alice slowly swallowing my arm under her body as she slept.

I kissed her forehead and closed my eyes once again.

I felt the time pass by until I felt something crawl around on top of me.

I peeked one eye open and saw Alice moving herself onto my chest.

I reached out a hand a placed it on her head. She froze up and looked at me with puppy dog eyes. I smirked and pulled her up closer to my face and kissed her.

I rolled out of bed and sat at the edge. She hung on my back, her arms wrapped around my shoulders with the blanket wrapped around her.

"Are you going to be okay, when I'm not here?" I asked.

"I hope so. I won't have you to keep me safe at night. Maybe Ruby or Linda could." She suggested.

I rubbed her head and laid her back down.

I walked to the door and turned around to see her fidgeting with the necklace I had given her.

I walked out of the door and shut it. Once it was closed I could cries coming from inside.

I walked around and found Gidion waiting in the hall. He nodded at me and I followed him to his ship.

"Royal Penitentiary." Spoke Gidion.

The ship lifted into the air and flew a short distance to a massive building built down into a deep crater that poked its top out of the ground.

We landed on the top of it and were met with a small group of armed men with a man dressed in a decorated uniform.

"Take him down to level orange." Said Gidion.

The armed men grabbed me and brought me into a room and had me empty everything I had and take my clothes and leave me with a large black uniform with a number on it. 7650

They took me down a hall to an elevator and pushed an orange button that was second to the bottom.

Hahaha, another cliffhanger.

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