Chapter 5: Under Attack

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I flipped open my eyes and sat up against the back of whatever I was laying on. A bright light shone in my eyes blinding me. I held my hand in front of my face to block the light and slipped off of the bed I was laying on.

I was in a small room with a window at the end that was letting in the suns bright rays of light. The bed I was laying on was fluffy and blue.

The door to the room opened and a man walked in.

"Ah, good to see you're awake. Do you remember what happened?" Asked the man.

"No, I was wrestling then nothing." I stated.

"Well, you are going through starvation. Without malnutrition strangely. Go get something to eat, the cafeteria is just outside and to the left." He stated.

I went to take a step and felt weak and nearly collapsed to the ground. I managed to catch myself on the bed and get out the door.

I walked to the cafeteria and went to the machine that others were getting their food at. It dropped some interesting looking food. I sat down at a nearby table and tore into the food. I didn't really have time to taste or even tell what it was, but I could definitely feel my strength returning.

I sat over my empty tray and watched as a uniformed boy walked over to me.

"You are the rescue, yes?" Asked the boy.

"Yes. That would be me." I stated.

"Follow me, the Overseer requires your presence." Stated the boy.

I stood up and followed the boy through the twisting hallways of the space station.

He stopped in front of a door and gestured for me to enter. I walked up to the door and knocked on the cold metal.

"Enter." Came a voice from inside.

I pulled the latch on the door and swung it open and walked inside. The door shut behind me with a loud bang.

"I need to get that darn door fixed. Anyway, hello Lucas." Said the woman.

"Why did you need me, exactly?" I asked.

"For all everyone outside this room, to assign you to your room. But, there is a danger coming for you." She stated.

"I don't understand." I said.

"Some of your people have come before, but they were taken, and what took them is coming for you too." She stated.

"What, why?" I asked.

"No one knows, but you need to get out of here, I've put you with the most skilled student here and put you both in the room with easy ventilation access and a good hiding spot. You are to tell this to no one but her. Now go!" She commanded.

I turned and walked out the door with all the information jumbled in my head mixing my emotions.

The boy standing attention outside the door turned to me and saluted. "I am to bring you to your quarters." Stated the boy. I shook my head and followed him down the hall, glancing out the windows as we walked.

He stopped in front of a door and saluted then walked away, all doing this while as stiff as a board. I turned to the door and saw no sign of knob or lever to open it. I put my hand on the door and a light emitted from around my hand and the door slid open.

"Ah, you must be my roommate, I'm Sara Holly, nice to..." She started talking with her back turned as she picked up random objects off the floor. When she saw me she stopped talking and the smile on her face turned to a grimace.

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