Chapter 7: Help of a Prince

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I sat up in the puffy bed that once belonged to the local butcher. I rubbed the crust from my eyes and let them adjust to the light. I felt another source of warmth next to me.

I flipped over the covers and saw Alice clinging to my side, asleep. I panicked silently until one of the free slaves peeked in.

"Don't disturb her, she could barely sleep as it was. Those collars around our neck let out a not so little shock into us when we disobeyed or tried to sleep in the cages. She can't sleep easily." Said the free slave before shutting the door again.

I laid back down and pulled the covers back over us and rubbed the mess of hair on top of Alice's head.

"Mhm, Lucas... nice... thank him... got to... make it up... to him." She mumbled to herself in her sleep.

I closed my eyes and let time pass by.

I felt her shifting around next to me and I opened my eyes to see her worming her way closer to my head. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at me.

"Good morning." I said as she laid her head on my chest.

She crawled out of the bed and stood up. She was still in her dirty, ragged dress with a large hole cut through the center and nothing else.

I got up and went through the house looking for clothes and found a room full of clothes and called Alice to me.

"Yes." She said with a smile.

"Take what you want." I said gesturing to the various clothes hanging or in dressers.

She cheered and started to go through the piles of clothes. She stopped when she saw me and blushed.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Could you please leave for a moment." She asked.

I nodded and shut the door and left down the hall. I went to the kitchen and saw a faucet.

"Yes, indoor plumbing for the win." I said to myself.

I grabbed a glass of water and sat down at a table with a slice of bread and a clump of cheese and was munching down on both.

Sara and the Overseer walked in and sat down at the table.

"All ready to go?" Asked Sara.

"Yep, just give me a minute." I said.

I stood up and Alice walked into the room and walked up to Sara and whispered something in her ear. Sara chuckled slightly and followed Alice down the hall.

"I wonder what that's about?" I inquired.

"Yes. Now what did you want to wait for?" Asked the Overseer.

I held up a small hand mirror and stared at my deep red eyes.

"My eyes haven't turned back, their still red. Is this permanent now?" I asked.

"Maybe, but you still act like that strange boy we found before." Said the Overseer.

Sara came down the hall with a smug look on her face.

Alice came into view, she was wearing a light orange blouse with a white skirt that went to her knees.

"You look very pretty, Alice." I stated

She blushed slightly and did a little twirl.

"Yes, quite beautiful indeed." Said the Overseer.

I pulled Sara over and whispered in her ear. "What was the problem?" I asked.

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