Chapter 3: Unkown Entity

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I opened my eyes and sucked in a deep breath.

"Hi." Spoke a girl who was standing in front of my me.

I started to shake violently and fell limp in my seat.

* * * * * *

The Overseer had me and a couple other kids carry him to the sick bay. The doctors asked me to stay for some reason. They took a blood sample, a skin tissue sample and a... urine sample. I had to leave the room for the last one.

They injected him with a translucent blue liquid and went to test their findings. The doctor turned to me. "We injected him with a mix of adrenalin and caffeine, watch him till we get back." Said the doctor, she then turned and followed the other doctors through the door at the end of the room.

I pulled up a chair and sat beside his bed and studied his face. He looked about seventeen, and hasn't seen natural light for several years and spent that time in mud. Before I knew it I was right above his face. His eyes flashed open and he started to cough fitfully.

"Why do I feel like my heart is trying to kill itself." Spoke the boy. He rubbed his head then looked around. "Where is it! Where did you take it!" He yelled.

The Overseer ran in with the doctors and two of her guards and grabbed the boy and the guards dragged him off. "Come with me, we'd like to include you." Stated the Overseer.

I followed them as they carried the boy against his will and brought him to the holding cells. These rooms are familiar to me as I'd spent my fair time here. This is where they keep people who commit offences or petty crimes.

They strapped the boy to a chair and set a row of chairs in front of him. "Where did you come from?" Asked the Overseer.

"I... I am from Earth." Stated the boy.

"Impossible, the Earthlings left to the far corners of space and destroyed their own planet." Argued the Overseer.

"We were abandoned, the tried to blow up the planet. They created monsters, it was horrible." Said the boy in horror.

"That aside, what is your name?" Asked the Overseer.

"My name is Lucas." Said the boy.

"You say you're from Earth, yet you're only twenty-five percent human. Why is that?" Asked the Overseer.

"I'm... I'm what?" Asked the boy.

"So you don't know. Moving on. How did you get here, Earth is several hundred light years away from here?" Asked the Overseer.

"My father left me a ship, I got in and it did what it did." I stated.

"Okay, now where did you get this?" Asked the Overseer as she held up the staff that was in the ship with him.

"It was my fathers and it's the only thing I have left of him." Exclaimed the boy.

"Well, it just happens to be made of condensed dark matter. Which is only theory to all the brilliant minds in the universe and is suspected to be the cause of black holes. Dark matter is too unstable to be condensed into such a stable form. Now tell me again, where did you get it?" Asked the Overseer.

"It was from my father!" He cried out.

His green eyes started to illuminate red and his veins popped. Suddenly, everyone in the room except for him was thrown against the wall and unable to move. The straps on his arms and legs snapped and he stood up and picked up the staff from the ground and held it to himself.

"Father. I don't know where I am, please help me." Spoke the boy.

We all fell to the ground as Lucas held the staff to himself tightly. The guards quickly apprehended him.

"One last question. Are you tired?" Asked the Overseer.

He nodded and fell limp.

"Take him back to the sick bay and let him rest." Commanded the Overseer.

The two guards carried him out the door and out of sight.

"I am going to entrust his well-being to you, Sara. I hope I'm not wrong." Said the Overseer.

"Me neither." I said letting the stress out.

I left the holding cell and went back to my room.

I dropped myself onto my bed and turned on the Tv.

"Furthermore, we would like to congratulate Sara Holly for making the top of the chosen twelve. Now more to the strange loss of communication from our moon base, Seraph 17 on the moon of Unu. More investigations will be held in the near future. That's all for today, goodnight people." Said the announcer.

I slipped under my covers and drifted off to sleep.

* * * * * *

I sat up slowly and saw that I was once again in a hospital bed. I looked down to see my fathers staff laying beside me. "Condensed dark matter, huh." I said to myself. I turned and stood up and walked over to a window.

A blue sun came out from behind a massive planet that sat not far from this place. There were four other stars but they were gray, dull and lifeless, almost like they had all life sucked from them. The massive planet was vibrant an colorful. There were several hundred pieces of debris floating outside like a asteroid belt surrounding this place.

"That's Xeron, our home planet, we are one of many space stations that revolve this planet and serve as protection from invading forces." Said the woman who had been interrogating me earlier.

"My planet was doomed by its own people, I wish I could've done something." I stated.

"That's just the thing, you couldn't have. I found a broadcast of the last known image of the previous planet you lived on." Said the woman.

She held up a tablet and showed me an image of Earth. The planet was split in half and a massive dragon like creature was crawling out of it.

"That was my home." I said choking on my words.

"Was. This planet is your home now, will you protect it." Asked the woman.

"Yes. I will." I stated.

"Okay then, but a quick history lesson. We are not of the same species as yours, we may look the same but we are different. Life is spread out throughout the universe in clusters, some more advanced than others. Ours is one of the most advanced, we have colonized galaxies. But we are constantly at threat of attack. The Despondent, our enemy, we have been at war with them for so long. But we are at a stalemate that must soon be decided." Said the woman.

"I understand, I must help destroy this enemy." I stated.

Hey, you see that star button... yeah that one, if you push it, it'll keep the crab people from invading our world. HELP THE CAUSE.

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