Chapter 18 - Believing

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If you had asked me a mere year ago if my life would get better, I'd laugh in your face and say, please, not for a weird chick like me. But you know something? Even I proved myself wrong. How it's possible for some weirdo to end up with a kick ass band and a even more kick ass boyfriend is beyond me.

I was just that loser, non popular girl that no one really wanted anything to do with. Until I came to Padua High that is. And everything changed for me. After all the bullshit drama in my life, I was finally getting something good.

Of course, not every moment was good. But in a way, it was still shaping up to be what it is today. But most importantly, Patrick Verona happened. He was this bigger than life, Australian hottie that everyone feared.

Everyone just assumed he was bad news from the rumors they all heard, which is rubbish. I for one wasn't ever afraid of him. I was more attracted to him than anything. But let's be real here people, I wasn't exactly an ideal girl for a guy like him.

I mean, I figured Kat would have more of a chance than i did. But somehow, life actually surprised me for the first time in a long time with the sudden interest he took in me. And after everything, he still wanted this. Us. And I'm forever thankful to the all mighty for that one miracle.

Sometimes I even pinch myself to make sure I'm not somewhere, just randomly dreaming of all this. You never know....

But anyway! Sorry for my rambling guys. It's been forever since I've talked to you, the reader. And yes, it's breaking all the walls right?! I'm talking to you guys! How amazing. But honestly, sorry for my geek out there.

Now, let's get on to the now, shall we...? So here I'm sitting, writing out what seems like fifty million songs, while Kat strums away on her guitar, Patrick is looking over some songs, and of course grinning at me with that little grin that clearly says, look at you, you songstress.

I never thought so many words could come out of my small hands. I guess I'm just inspired. I mean, look at Patrick.... how could you not be inspired by that?? I know you all love him... Come on! You, yes you. Don't lie to me.

Anyway, moving on. News on Patrick! He's actually taking a acting class around here by the school. Awesome right? He's really, really good at it. So we're both jam packed. But even through all the madness, we all remain close.

Even Cam and Bianca come down here a lot to see us and just hang out and what not. Everyone is doing so good. We've made it past the high school shit and into adult life with no problem.

I'd say we're doing good for ourselves! Anyhow, that's all for now folks. I got to get back to my session here before Patrick decides to tickle me to death because I'm not focusing on him at the moment. Attention seeker....

Until next time!

- Skye

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