Chapter 13 - Motherly Love

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I went outside once I woke up, really wanting some fresh air. And to clear my thoughts from last night and just hoping i don't break down crying yet again. I sat down on the porch, looking around the neighborhood, when Bianca came walking up the sidewalk. She grinned, trying to make me smile. I'm so lucky to have them living next door.

"Are you sure you don't want to go sailing with us? It'll be fun." I smiled a little. I would honestly just be a bummer.

"No. I'm good. But thank you for asking." She smiled a little at me, clearly feeling bad about what happened. But this was not her fault. I did all this to help her because she's like a sister to me. I love her and Kat. She never knew i would end up hurt.

"Look, I don't think I ever thanked you for going last night. Or for even helping me. But really, thank you. It really meant a lot to me." I grinned. At least her and Cam are doing good. I know he's over the moon.

"I'm glad." And speaking of the man himself, Cam came running up the stairs, smiling. It was a good look on him to be honest. He's happy.

"Hey. You ready?" They looked at each other and i couldn't help but smile a little. They're so cute!

"Yeah." He then looked at me, giving me a wave, then smiled.

"Hey Skye." I smiled, waving right back at him. I'm really glad Cam and i became good friends. He's a really good guy.

"Hey. Have fun guys." They smiled at me, then continued on their way, leaving me to my oh so wonderful thoughts. Just then, my mom came out, looking at them with a little smile as she looked down at me.

"Where's Bianca and Cam going?" I watched them walking further away, their smiles so refreshing. They were crazy about each other.

"Sailing." She looked down at me with that look of hers. She wants me to have fun. But today? It's not happening.

"Honey. You should have went." I sighed. Only to ruin the fun by being sad? No thanks.

"It's okay. I'd rather stay around here today." She smiled a little. She could tell something was wrong. But i was blessed with a mom that doesn't actually pressure me to talk. It's honestly so nice.

"So tell me about the dance? Was it fun?" I rolled my eyes a tad. But i guess not all of it was bad. It was fun. Until shit hit the fan.

"Parts of it." And I'm not lying. Some of it was amazing. Mom couldn't help but keep the smile off of her face. She really does care. I know i give her a hard time sometimes. But she really is a great mom. She loves me. That's for sure.

"Well, which parts?" I smiled a little just thinking of the amazing friends i have. And how with them, i will never be bored another day in my life.

"The part where Bianca beat the hell out of some guy." Her eyes widened in surprise and i couldn't help but laugh a little. It was honestly the highlight of the night.

"Bianca what?" I grinned. I'm honestly really proud of her. She finally saw that Cam was the one she should have been with all along. Not stupid pretty boy.

"He deserved it." She smiled a little in humor. Talking to her really is easing my mind. Maybe i should do it more often.

"And the part where I got to see one of my favorite bands play." She sighed, that one i have heard so many times. It always made me mad because she just doesn't seem to get that that is my interest. That is what i want to do with my life. And it's not a waste of time.

"I know. Band isn't a thing we talk about. I disappoint you there." She looked at me, shocked. Then sat down next to me with a hard look on her face, like something was really paining her.

"Honey, I'm impressed by your skill. Not disappointed." I looked at her, completely shocked. Never thought I'd hear that. She always acts so cold and hard when i bring up that stuff.

"You know, mothers don't like to admit it when their daughters are capable of running their own lives. It means we've become spectators." She looked down, clearly lost in thought. Maybe she's been hurting more than i ever cared to ask. And it made me feel like a shitty daughter.

"I've watched you grow to become a beautiful young lady. And part of me still sees you as my little girl. And when your father left I.. well I didn't know how to handle it. So I took most of it out on you." I looked at her, grabbing her hand as she smiled. I felt so bad that i wasn't there for her like she really was for me.

"But now I see that you are ready to go out into the world. I can't keep you little forever. And I know how much you love music. You should go to Sarah Lawrence. That would be the perfect place to start your music." I'm seriously so amazed right now. The excitement on my face must really be showing because she couldn't help but laugh.

"I can go? I can really study music?" She looked on at me with the happiest smile I've seen on her face.

"Well please don't say you've changed you're mind. I went ahead and payed for it." I instantly hugged her. We've been through so much together. And I'll admit. We didn't get along for the longest time. But I don't know what I'd do without her. Parents are amazing.

"I love you mom." She grinned.

"I love you to honey."

The Caring and The Daring {A Patrick Verona Story}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon