Chapter 3 - The Plan

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So, here's the deal. Bianca can't date unless Kat does. And that's the problem. Kat doesn't do dating. But Cam really likes Bianca. So him and Michael have come up with a little plan. To find someone fitted for Kat. This isn't gonna end well. They wanted me along because I'm friends with her. She'd kill me if she knew this.

"Now I have gathered a group of guys who couldn't be more perfect. Padua's finest." We round the corner to see a bunch of guys. And oh. my. gosh. Nope. Even Cam looked at him like he's crazy. Has he taken a better look at these guys? Kat will definitely kill me now.

"Hi. How ya doing?" They just stare at us. A definite no. They're mutes. Wow...

"Would any of you be interested in dating Katrina Stratford?" The first one laughs. The second one just stares at us. The third one is just.. I don't even know. The fourth one.... basically the same. And the last one just screams like an idiot. Well, we have our answer to that question. Moving right along. Now hopefully I won't have to plan my funeral. Next was Science class. And the joy of having to dissect a frog. What a day.

"Did I or did I not tell you it was pointless. No one will go out with her." I lightly punched Michael in the arm, giving him a little look. She may be a rough customer when it comes to guys, but she's still my friend. Cam looked behind us, staring at someone. I turned to see Patrick, stabbing a frog with a knife like it was second nature to him. Michael turned to see what we were looking at, then instantly turned back with his eyes wide. What is it with everyone and him?

"No no. Don't look at him. Okay, he's a criminal. I hear he lit a state trooper on fire. He just did a year in San Quentin." Really? And you honestly believe that? Wow.... I highly doubt any of that. But whatever.

"He sold his own liver on the black market for a new set of speakers." Cam just looked at him like he'd lost his mind just shaking his head at him, making me sigh.

"Michael. That's not humanly possible. You have to have both livers to live." I swear. My friends aren't the brightest okay? But I turned back to look at Patrick, to see him lighting a cig. I widened my eyes. Then his friend took it from him, putting it out. I just grinned. Good. You don't need that shit air. He suddenly turned our way, noticing all of us staring at him. Cam and Michael both turned like they weren't doing anything. But I just waved.
Patrick gave me a strange look, playing with the fire. Then smiled a little, when Michael hit me on the arm, giving me a look.

"What was that?!" He looked at me like I had officially lost my mind or something.

"What? I can't wave at the guy?" Cam was hiding a smile. I'm glad he found the humor in it because I'm so damn confused.

"You guys act like he's going to kill you. And you wonder why he gives you strange looks." But they still continued to act weird around him. We went to shop class next. And only because Patrick was there. I swear, these two. You can't take them anywhere. They're both acting terrified, while I just walk in without a care. Cam goes up to Patrick, while I stand back with Michael. All I see is Patrick give him a very weird look, then drill a hole right through the book in his hand. He backs away like he's on fire, leaving the room, Michael following behind. I just stand there, laughing. Guess that he got an answer from Patrick anyway. Patrick notices me standing there, his face changing from weirded out to a curious look. I was laughing so hard, I forgot what I was doing.

"What's up with those two?" I look up upon hearing his voice, surprised he's actually talking to me. That's a first.

"They think you're some psycho. Apparently most the school does." He gives a little smile, pretty humored honestly. And so was I. I didn't think he was that bad so far.

"And what do you think?" I grinned a little, humor taking over me. I can have some fun right?

"I don't know. Are you?" He laughs. He seems at ease some. Like he doesn't have to worry about my intentions on talking to him. Thank goodness because I just want to understand this guy.

"Not that I recall." I just grin. Just then, the bell rings, signaling its time for a break. Thank. Goodness. Lunch period. Which means at least a few minutes of calm. Maybe. I look back at Patrick before I walk out, seeing him staring at me. I give a little wave, then walk into the hallway.

"Skye!" Well, there went the calmness. I turn to see Bianca coming my way. Oh no. What's happening now?

"Okay, so guess what??" I give a little grin from the look on her face. She's smiling super big.

"What?" I don't think I've seen her smile like this in forever. She's actually happy.

"Daddy said I could go out with someone." I scrunched my eyes up. What? I thought Kat had to date someone. And I know they haven't already found someone.

"But Kat.." She looked at me with a little laugh escaping her like she was hiding something that I was going to be oh so happy to know about.

"That's what I thought to! But I talked to daddy and  he said I could date someone...... if you do." Wait. What?!

"What??" She gave me the biggest grin ever. Are you kidding me??

"I know!! You will have a much easier time finding someone. You know because you're waaaay more friendly then Kat." I mean I get that. But why me??

"And your dad really agreed to this?" I couldn't honestly believe it.

"Yes! He knows you're trust worthy and responsible. And Kat doesn't want to help so I figured, why not you?" There's one small problem with that plan though.

"But I'm not dating anyone." She grinned like she was just told she's going to Disneyland. How is she always this peppy?

"I know! But, it won't be hard for you to find someone. I just know it." She gave me a super big hug, pretty much cutting off my air, then walked off, leaving me standing there.What the hell is going on?? My first day and all this has happened? And how does she expect me to have a date? Here we go....

The Caring and The Daring {A Patrick Verona Story}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें