Chapter 2 - New Friends

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After that weird part of the morning, I finally found my locker. I leaned up against it for a moment, collecting myself. Okay, lets go over the list:

1: Weird counselor.

Check. ✔️

2: Hot Australian guy.

Double Check. ✔️

3: New school.

Check, check, aaaand.. check. ✔️✔️✔️

What a day. And it isn't even half over. I looked around the hall, spotting Cameron and another guy coming over to me. I have a feeling he's the welcoming guy. Great... But maybe I should be flattered someone actually has noticed me since I've joined this weird ass school. He grinned at me, while Cameron smiled a little, looking embarrassed. This shall be good....

"Michael. I'm supposed to show you around."
He took my hand, shaking it firmly. I gave him a little smile. Well. He's vibrant.

"Skye. Nice to meet you. And I already know you Cameron." He gave a little grin, embarrassment still showing on his face. It's honestly adorable. I can see us being good friends.

"About that, I'm sorry.." I grinned, shrugging it off. I've done some pretty embarrassing stuff in my life. I have been in his shoes more than I'd like to admit.

"Don't worry about it. It's been a looong morning. It happens." He grinned, breathing a sigh of relief, making me chuckle. Just then, Kat came walking by, her eyes narrowed in question. And there was too many answers to give.

"Hey. What took you so long?" I sighed, holding my head. Don't get me started...

"Lets just say Miss Perky is just way to perky." She smirked that smirk that clearly screamed told you so, making me roll my eyes.

"Told you." I looked back at Cameron and Michael, smiling slightly at them. I've had too much excitement for one day. Is it nap time yet?

"I think I'm just gonna head to class guys. But thanks for inviting me anyway." They smiled, walking off in the other direction. Well, time for class. Let's see if it's as entertaining as everything else.
The bell rang just as we reached class. I sat next to this guy in a nice looking outfit. I could tell just by looking at him that he was a rich, too into himself, pretty boy.  No thanks.

"Okay then. What did everyone think of the sun also rises?" Oh no... I'm just waiting for Kat's response. Her and her sassy self love to make everything great.

"I loved it. He's so romantic." Why did I feel like Kat is about to say something? I looked over at her, disbelief clear on her face, making me grin.

"Romantic? Hemingway? He was an abusive, alcoholic misogynist who squandered half of his life hanging around Picasso trying to nail his leftovers." That's why. There's the Kat I know! But of course everyone is looking towards her in annoyance. Or that they frankly don't care. But rich boy next to me? He's stupid.

"As apposed to a bitter self righteous hag who has no friends?" Oh no.. now pretty boy has to have his say. Well guess what? No one cares! I looked at him, giving him a death glare. Asshole.

"Pipe down chachi!" Well that made him stop laughing. But not me. Did I mention I love this teacher?

"I guess in this society being a male and an asshole makes you worthy of our time." Damn. She's good. That's why she's my best friend.
Suddenly, everyone looked towards the back, hearing the door open. Patrick walked in, looking like he'd been running. He looked around the room, stopping at me, making my eyes widen. And there's the hot Australian guy. Goodness...  He smiled a little. Can I swoon now?

"What'd I miss?" Kat shook her head, still annoyed. She was beyond ready to leave.

"The oppressive patriarchal values that dictate our education." Patrick just looked at me, a little smile on his lips.

"Good." Then he turned, walking back out the door, making me laugh so hard. That would honestly be me.

"Hey hey!" Mr. Morgan by this point has lost his mind I imagine.

"Mr Morgan, is there anyway we could get Kat to take her Mydol before she comes to class?" The pretty boy asshole simply grinned, making me want to vomit. I swear I could knock that look right off his face. But the teacher was taking no shit.

"Someday you're gonna get bitch slapped, and I'm not gonna do a thing to stop it." This is so entertaining. Basically, Kat got sent to Ms. Perky's office after. She was only speaking her mind. I admire her for it. After class, I walked outside to get some fresh air. I swear this school is... something.

"Skye!" I turned, to see Cameron and Michael, waving me over, making me grin. They are a sight for sore eyes honestly. I like these guys.

"Hey guys. How's you're first day going Cameron?" He smiled a tad, looking a lot better than he did this morning. Thank goodness because at least one of us has to do okay while the other suffers.

"Not to bad. How about you?" I grinned. I can't complain honestly. I mean, there's lots of weirdos. Buuuuut....

"Very entertaining to say the least." He laughed as we all three looked around at everyone, when Cam set his eyes on one guy that I've wanted to punch most of the day.

"Who's that guy?" He was looking at the hot shot. Yes. Please do tell us Michael. So I'll have a name to the face I punch.

"That's Joey Donner, he's a..... jerk off. And a model." Go figure. Pretty boy model. So stereotypical.

"He's a model?!" Oh geez. Please. But we all started laughing. But Cam was so love struck by a certain someone I know very well.

"Man look at her." Cam was looking at Bianca. Kat's sister. She's pretty nice. But very different from her sister. She's more girly. And boy crazy. For Joey. I could tell. Me on the other hand, I couldn't stop thinking about Patrick. He seems interesting. While everyone else is scared of him. Honestly, this school is strange. And I like it.

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