Chapter 9 - Escape Fun

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Patrick ended up being sent to detention. Which I don't agree with at all. What he did was something I wouldn't expect him to do. But I loved it so much! I haven't smiled like that in a very long time. And my heart was literally about out of my chest. It was an incredible feeling. So, moving on. Breaking Patrick out of detention. Let's see how I do.
Right when I walked into the room, my eyes landed on him. He had his head bent down on the desk. Okay girl. You got this. Operation, break Patrick out of detention is a go!

"Mr. Chapin, can I speak with you a moment?"
Chapin looked at me oddly, like he didn't honestly care for what I was about to say. And I don't care to talk to you. But, here we are huh?

"What can I do for you Martin?"His annoyed tone made me want to slap him upside the head. But I knew that wouldn't get us anywhere. So I have to remain calm.

"Well sir, I have some ideas on what we could do for the soccer team." He gave me a strange look. I mean, how would be far fetched when I'm always at practices and games? I might as well be on the team right?

"Great! But you're not even on the team." He slowly turned away, giving me the chance to look at Patrick, giving him the signal to get moving. I know I looked so stupid. But he just smiled at me, not getting what I was doing. Oh my gosh that smile... No! No Martin! Focus!

I motioned towards the window, telling him to go. He shook his head, giving me a strange look like he just didn't get it at all and I just wanted to shake him. Geez. We'll get this. Just help me lord. Give me the strength.

"Window!" I whisper yelled at him, pointing at the window again just hoping he'll actually get it this time. And Mr. Chapin turned around, staring at me. I just grinned, trying my best to cover up my actions from moments ago. Man I deserve an Oscar.

"As you know, the really big game is coming up, so I figured you could use some help." I pulled him in the other direction, giving Patrick the perfect opportunity to move. So please take it!

"Omg! Your muscles are huge! Ahh! Amazing!" He smiled a little, clearly liking that. Well I'm glad one of us does....

"You don't take steroids do you? Because I heard that does damage to your.. package." What the hell am I even talking about?!

"Not that I'm thinking about that! That isn't the point." He looked at me a moment with a clear uncomfortable look evident on his face. And I just wanted to face palm myself. Sometimes my mouth is just from another world....

"Let's hope not." I heard a noise from behind Mr Chapin, seeing Patrick slowly moving around, when my eyes went wide from Mr Chapin turning to look, but I pulled him back towards me, grinning. I'm going to win this damn it!

"The point is, they kick your butts every year! And I was thinking I have a plan to finally defeat them!" Okay. So I might have to do something crazy. And I'll never live it down.

"Which is?" Patrick kept looking at me, slowly walking behind things, moving closer to the window. He's too damn distracting. And Mr Chapin tried to look again, but nope. Not happening!

"That thing that you've been teaching." I don't even know what I'm saying at this point. But it sounded good!

"What thing?" I'm a pro. I got this. I just need Patrick to move a little faster.

"Miss direction." He eyed me a moment in confusion, not getting why I was even trying to help when I don't even play. And honestly? I couldn't think of another thing to talk to him about. So this was it.

"I taught that?" Sure you did! Well, you do now.

"Yeah! Anyway." Patrick kept looking over here, making a bit of noise. Damn, I can only take this so far Verona. Help me out here man!

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