Chapter 10 - Prom Proposal

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That was by far the most fun I've ever had! And it was with Verona. Amazing! I seriously don't see why everyone is so afraid of him. He's nowhere near scary. He's amazing. He brought me home a little later. We ended up playing again. And got even more paint on us. We look like the rainbow. After sitting there for a while, just laughing, we finally got out of his car.

"No, none of that stuff is true." We were talking about all the stuff everyone says about him around school. I honestly thought it was pretty funny.

"State trooper?" He looked on at me in humor while I'm as just laughing my ass off about it. Everyone is so quick to judge.

"Fallacy." He gave me another look, smirking like he was going to ask me something crazy. So I better brace myself.

"Uh, dead guy in the parking lot?" I sighed. Seriously? That again? When I first moved here, I went driving around, clearly not paying attention, almost hitting a man in the parking lot of the music store. And no. He didn't die. Because I didn't even hit him. But, everyone loves to embellish the true around here. As you can see with Patrick.

"Rumor." I smirked. I'm going to win this time bud.

"The duck!" I pointed my finger at him. And all he could do was smile at me. I don't think I've ever had this much fun with someone before.

"Hearsay." Then he grinned. Man what all could he possibly have on me?

"Bobby Ridgeway's balls?" And him again. He's some hot want to be guy that literally tried groping me in the lunch line. So I hit him where the sun don't shine. He deserved it.

"Fact. But he deserved it. He tried to grope me in the lunch line. So I let him have it. Simple as that." He laughed a little, seeming to shake his head in agreement. And from being impressed. I can be a badass also Verona.

"Fair enough." I smiled. At least he agreed with me. Because I won't apologize for that bit of fun.

"The accent?" One of my favorite things about him. His voice is just beautiful. Sexy even. Lord Skye... focus!

"It's real. I lived in Australia until I was 10." Yet another amazing thing to learn about this amazing guy.

"I've always wanted to go there. So who did you live with? The Pygmies?" He laughed while continuing to look down at me with that adorable smile on his face Thats worming it's way into my heart very quickly.

"Close. My mom." I grinned. I get that feeling.

"Were you here last year? Every one acts like you just came back from killing someone."He grinned in more humor. But deep down I can tell it bothers him that people really think so badly of him.

"And you can't tell me you were in the porn career. It's a lie. He smirked. That would honestly be a great story to tell the kids someday right?

"Is it?" Oh geez. These thoughts. I'm done. I just laughed, sitting down on the steps of my porch, the thoughts of that really filling my mind.

"Okay. Tell me something true." He looked at me a moment, making my heart flutter even more.

"Something true..." I nodded.

"I hate peas." I grinned. Is that the best you really got bud?

"Nooo, something real. Something no one else knows." He looked away a moment in thought, before he looked back at me with that cheeky grin of his.

"Okay. You're sweet." He leaned over, gently bringing his lips to my neck, making me shiver from the mere feeling.

"And sexy." He switched to the other side, kissing me. But I raised my eyes in surprise. Me? Sexy? You mean you sir?

"And completely hot for me." I burst into laughter. Oh how well he knows me. I mean, I most likely make it obvious from the reactions he gets from me.

"Fact. But you are too damn self assured Verona. Anyone ever tell you that?" He laughed a little from my smile. And I just wanted to kiss him. Damn what is he doing to me?

"I tell myself that everyday actually." I laughed, grinning at him. Then he kissed me again. He's going to make me pass out if he keeps this up.

"Go to the prom with me." What?? Really?? I really hope this isn't a dream. Because I never want to wake up from it. I honestly didn't think he would want to go.

"Is that a command Verona?" I couldn't keep the smile off of my face. It's honestly like a dream to me. How this hot guy would even be this interested in me.

"C'mon go with me." How could I say no to that face? I mean really? His smile is the most adorable thing.

"Okay. Why not." He grinned, giving me a huge hug. Then pulled out a cig. The hell? What happened to him stopping cold turkey?

"I thought you quit." His eyes widened a tad from what he just did, then he collected himself, grinning. What was that about?

"Sorry. Habit." He threw it on the ground, stomping on it. But I just smiled. I don't want to be that girl that questions every day thing he does.

"It's cool. Old habits die hard." He just smiled. Now, the next big question. What the hell am I going to wear??

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