Chapter 14 - I Don't Hate You. Not Even Close. Not Even A Little.

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Going to school the next day was super hard. But Kat finally talked me into it last night. She told me to get my shit together basically. Which in a way, i appreciate. She's seriously the best friend I've ever had. And today in Mr Morgan's class, is the day our poems are due that we were assigned mere days ago. I have one that took me a while to come up with that sounded good. It was super hard to write without crying. Let's see how far I get in front of the whole class.

"Alright. I assume everyone has found time to complete their poem. Except for Mister Donner." He laughed in humor from the way Joey even looked today. Bianca did some damage to his nose. Good. The jerk deserves anything he got.

"Lose the glasses." He pulled them off, looking over in my direction with a scowl showing on his face. I just glared. I hate him with a burning passion, I swear.

"Alright. Anyone brave enough to read theirs aloud?" Everyone looked at one another as i looked in Patrick's direction, seeing him looking down at his desk. No better time than now. You got this Skye.

"I will." Kat looked at me, giving me a encouraging smile, which made me smile a little. Even Mr. Morgan looked surprised, clearly not used to me saying anything in class. I surprised myself to be honest. But i have to get this out. Before i explode.

"Okay Skye. Show us what you got." I grabbed my notebook, walking up to the front of the class, never feeling so nervous in my entire life. But i knew i had to do this to take that big leap into feeling better and moving on with my life.
I looked out over the class and just felt so vulnerable. All eyes were on me. Even Patrick's. And that is what was killing me the most.

"I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive my car, I hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick, it even makes me rhyme." I blew out a breath, feeling the tears coming on. I knew this would be the hardest thing i've ever done. Just seeing him is making it worse.

"I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie. I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry." I looked over at Patrick to see him staring at me, a sad look on his face. And my tears couldn't stay back. I was losing it quickly. And my heart was breaking all over again.

"I hate it when you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call. But mostly.... I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit. Not even at all." I couldn't keep it together. The tears were running down my face, making my voice shaky and my vision so blurry. And Patrick kept looking at me, tears brimming in his eyes. As i closed my book, not able to read anymore, i felt like the world had crashed around me. And i walked out of class.
I walked to my car, still crying a little. I've never felt like this about anyone before. I should hate him. But I don't. Not at all. And it just made me so mad. Once I reached my car, I opened the back door, throwing my bag in, when I saw a set of drum sticks laying there wrapped in purple ribbon. What?? I picked them up, looking at them, to see they looked just like my dads old ones. I couldn't help but smile. But how did someone even find these?

"Nice huh?" I turned around, seeing Patrick standing there with this huge grin on his face from making me smile. But i was so awe struck. They looked exactly like his....

"Drumsticks just like my dads? But how.." I couldn't tell if my heart was breaking all over again or mending a little. Looking at these brought back a lot of memories.

"I talked to your mom about it and she told me what he had. And I saw you using them once at the store, so I got them." Then he grinned again. And i could feel my anger breaking. My hurt was slowly fading away. Did he actually feel bad?

"And I may have dropped something off at your house after you left this morning..." I just looked at him, excitement building. Oh my gosh if it is drums, i would literally jump him. No joke.

"No.. Is it what I think it is?" His cute smile lit up his handsome face. And my smile grew even bigger. How does he even do this it me?

"Well, I hope it's drums because I got you a set, the one you really like." I couldn't help but grin. How can one guy be this amazing? And don't i even feel angry at all?

"Patrick, I.." I honestly didn't know what to say. He went through all this just to make me feel better.

"Well, I had some extra cash. Some asshole payed me to take out this really great girl." I smirked. Wonder who? Because just mere hours ago, this said girl was ready to whoop your ass. But somehow, she couldn't bring herself to do it.

"Is that right Verona?" He shrugged, smiling a little in humor from my mock serious tone.

"Yeah. But I screwed up. I fell for her." I looked at him with my eyes growing wide. And my heart beating faster from his serious look now showing. But my grin stayed firmly in place.

"Really?" For me? He fell for me? I honestly thought he wasn't interested for the longest time. But somehow, we ended up together anyway. Sure, it was by mistake. But we found we really did like each other.

"It's not everyday you find a girl who will flash someone to get you out of detention." I broke out in laughter. That again. Oh Verona.. I just covered my face, wishing that moment would disappear forever. It was not my finest moment.

"Oh god.." He grinned, pushing a strand of my hair behind my ear, before kissing me. And it was the sweetest kiss ever imaginable. But i pulled back a little just from the thought that he actually bought me drums!

"You can't just buy me drums every time you screw up. " He laughed slightly from the look on my face, seeming happy to see me not crying anymore.

"Yeah I know. But then you know there's always guitars, a bass and maybe even one day a tambourine." He grinned, making me laugh as he pulled me back toward him, kissing me. It's intoxicating. But oh no sir. It's not that easy pal.

"And don't think you can just..." He shoved his lips on mine, shutting me up. Oh, what the hell. I kissed him back. He gently picked me up, taking my feet off the ground, grinning into the kiss. I sighed, happily. The bad boy got the good girl in the end.

The Caring and The Daring {A Patrick Verona Story}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu