Chapter 20

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I saw Sky walk in. I tried to suppress a laugh. The shirt fit her to long, which made it looked like she didn't have her shorts on. She looked down. "Uh, I'm done changing." She said. I patted the spot next to me. She awkwardly walked over to where I patted. "Austin said he wanted you to come to a party we're having, but I'll call so he won't pick you up, because I'm the host." She nodded. I got up and went to the kitchen. "Do you want anything?" I asked.


"Do you want anything?" Oli asked. I was going to say 'yes I'm starving', when my brain whispered something. 'No, you don't want to be fat do you?' I mentally shook my head. "No thanks, I'm not hungry." I replied. He nodded and got a half drunk Vodka bottle. He drank? I heard the doorbell ring. He opened the door to be greeted by a man. "Oi, what's up Ben?" He asked as he let 'Ben' come in, he was followed by other men.

They some what looked like Oli, tattooed and pierced. "You got another girlfriend already?" Asked one of them. "No, Austin found her at Drop Dead and he invited her, but I already told him she was all ready here." Oli retorted. Another doorbell ring. "Oh I think that's You Me At Six." Ben said. Oli door opened the door to a guy, "Hey Josh." He said and let him and other men come in. Are these bands or some sort of clan, or maybe a cult....."Who's the pretty little lady?" Josh asked. I felt the the heat rise to my cheeks. Oli spoke for me. "Her name is Skyler, she is new here and Austin invited her." The guys nodded. They all came and sat down, filling up two of the couches and some sitting in the armrests, wait there more couches over t-. This time it was a knock. "Hey Vic, hey Austin." Josh greeted a guy who looked more Mexican than anyone else, maybe cause they are the only Mexicans.

Ten people came in and filled up all the whole couches. "Now let's just wait for Bring Me The Horizon to get he-" This time, who ever came, didn't even knock. A guy burst along with the words "we're here motherfuckers!" Other guys came behind the psycho. I sitting on the near the edge, Ben to my right and Josh to my left. I'm guessing this is the rest of Oli's band.

"Okay, I have things written down that you guys will have to suffer, oh and it's being recorded." Austin said with a devilish grin. "Wait, let us get our shots first." Complained the psycho, who I soon learned was Matt N.


Almost everyone drank four or more bottles of beer, I only drank two. Still, it was enough for me to be pissed drunk. "Okay, now we do the epic shit." Oli said. "Who's first?" Asked Austin. Matt N stood up. "Me mofo!" He yelled. "Okay let me shuffle my cards of embarrassment." Austin shuffled the cards and randomly took one out. "Run around naked in the backyard singing Selena Gomez." We all went outside to watch Matt. He took of all his clothes and started running around singing "who says you're not perfect." Josh was recorded next to me. I felt like a child. I was the shortest one here.

We went back inside and sat in our original spots. "Ben, how bout you go next?" Suggested Lee Malia. "Ight, Austin I'm going next." Ben said. "Okay you got: braid the hair of the person to your left." That was me. "How the fuck do you do that?" Asked Ben. "Try." Austin said. He sighed and turned around and started doing whatever. When he finished, I touched my head to feel the bumps of the failure of Ben called a braid. I fixed my hair. "Let's do something else." Said a guy named Tony. "Who's up for some bear pong!?" Shouted Daniel.


I saw Josh put his arm around Sky. Jealousy washed over me. 'She's not even your girl' my conscience said. "Who's up for some beer pong!?" Shouted Daniel. Everyone got up and started filling cups with beer.

Let's just say, things got crazy.

I ran out of creativity
Anyways this is the last chapter, there is going to be a sequel. It's called And The Snakes Start To Sing. Ill upload it today, so go check that shit out.

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