Chapter 17

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It has been a month since the incident and Skyler hasn't woken up. Today they are going to put her in this locker thingy so she can be burned. Yes, I am aware I said locker thingy, I am a retarded narrator as you can see, back to the point.

They are now taking her to the room of the burny thingamajig. They placed her body in the locker and closed it. They were going to flip the switch, until they heard a thud. Their brows furrowed and they went to check it out. Thud. The located the thud from the locker of the one and only, Skyler Williams.

There eyes widened as one of them called the doctors and the other got Skyler out. Now, since I am a very lazy narrator, instead of me saying Skyler all the time, I'm going to say Sky, for Pete's sake, okay, god, cut me some cheesecake.


I was walking down a corridor when I stepped into a room. There was man there, his features we're perfect, like an angels(A/N I mean like, you, know, one of those god things). "Wake up, you're new now." He said and smiled. I smiled back. "Okay, sir, I don't know how you are, but thank you." I said. I walked out of the room and walked yet again down the corridor. I don't know who was the man, nor what he was talking about, yet I thanked him for the advice. I felt happy. I felt like I have always felt happy.

The corridor stopped completely. I was in the air looking down at a place where there were very little cars. I turned around to head to another direction, but the corridor was gone. I was standing on a nice squared carved log. I felt an instinct and started walking down as if there were stairs. Before I placed my foot to another fake stair, the log would follow.

I ran down faster and the log still followed. I followed until I was at the ground were the cars were. A light flared and I covered my eyes. When I pulled my arm away. I was in a forest. There was a house. I was walking towards the house because my feet were moving towards it, yet I myself didn't want to. Then I heard a voice behind me. Nothing. There was a large black abyss, and only two steps. "Come forward child ." I did, and I was slowly falling when I hit the ground, it wasn't hard at all, but gentle. Maybe because I wasn't on the floor, but in someone's arms. They felt male. I was going to look at the person, when everything went white.

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