Chapter 4

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"When you pick a flower, do you pick the good one, or the bad one?"



It's been a week since Oli and I started dating. It's been going well. He took me to Yogurt Factory and we just headed off to take a walk in the park. I got to know him a lot more. We haven't kissed yet, obviously. Everything has been going well. I switched my nose piercing for a septum piercing. I was currently contemplating on life. I heard a knock upon my door. A chill cold as death ran up my spine. I shuddered. "Yes?"

"Thalia can I come in?" my mom asked. "Yeah," I said. "We need to talk." Oh great. "Okay...What do you want to talk about?" I questioned. She sighed, "Your dad-" I didn't even let her finish, she doesn't need to.

"He's coming home? Oh my god! I'm finally going to see him! When?" I was so excited. I'm finally going to see my father! We have so much to catch up on. "Thalia," my mom said, walking over to me, resting her hands on my shoulders, looking at me straight in the eye, "no."

"No what?" I asked. Is there a delay? "He's not coming home," she finished, "ever." They sentenced him for life in prison?! "What do you mean?" I asked, worried. "He's- he's dead!" She ran over to me, collapsing in tears. I stood there, frozen. I felt my soul leave my body. My brain shattered.

"No," I started. She looked up. "No, you're lying." She shook her head furiously, tears racing down. "You're lying! He's not dead! You're a liar!"

I stormed out of the room, out of the house. The tears were burning into me. My mouth was sour. I was choking on life right now, but no one ever said surviving was easy. I walked specifically nowhere. Walking without seeing if cars were coming. Cars abruptly stopped, honking and swearing. I'm surprised they didn't run me over with anger.

I don't know the goal here. Dying maybe. I've never been this...sad? Angry? I didn't know what the feeling was, but I didn't like it. I'm just a lost soul. I wonder if he remembered my name, if he cared. Of course he did! But I wasn't so sure anymore.


My wrists and everything below my elbow ached and burned. I got tattooed for grief and pain and anger. I was saving the money for my birthday, but  the only thing I want for my birthday is impossible. I want my father. But once you die, you stop existing.

I sighed, new tears started making their way down my face.

I walked to the nearby liqour, grabbing a pack of cigarettes and a lighter . I smacked them down the counter along with seven bucks. "Keep the change," I said. I instantly lit a cigarette. I've never smoked one before. I brought it up to my mouth, inhaling, then exhaling. I coughed, but I didn't stop.

I walked slowly back home, the puffs of smoke behind me. "Smoking is bad for your health," a familiar voice said. "Look who's talking," I mumbled. He came from the shadows with a lit cigarett. He draped his hand over me, eyebrows scrunching in concern. "What's wrong love?"

And that's when I broke into tears. But I told him everything. Everything.


I couldn't even imagine the pain Thalia was in. She lost her father. Where in my case, I'd celebrate if my dad was in his grave. "Let me show you something," I said. She nodded slowly. I surprised her by snaking my hand under her arms and knees. She let out a startled squeak. "I can walk you know." She blew a strand of hair from her face. "I now feel like an overgrown baby," she said.

"You weigh exactly like a baby, Thalia," I teased. "Oh really? Look at all my blubber!" she exclaimed. She attempted to grab her stomach flesh, key word on attempted. "Okay, it's just hiding right now," she said. "It must be scared," I chuckled. She stuck her tongue out at me.

I teased her by making her almost fall. "Don't scare me like that!" she gasped. "Don't mess with the person who has you in their arms, darling."

She mumbled something inaudible. It was early afternoon, the orange sun barely meeting the horizon.

The tree near a hill came into view.


We were now climbing up a hill. I would say I'm tired, but I'm not the one walking. "Okay, close your eyes," he said. I shut them together, the sun kissing my eyelids. We took a few steps, Oliver making sure I didn't fall. "You can open then now."

A gasp escaped my lips. Oli had beautifully carved our name in a heart into a tree. Gold paint filling in the lines and words. No one has ever done this for me.

"And to think you had messy hand writing," I remarked. "Do you like it?" He questioned, chuckling. "Like it? I love it!" I jumped on him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He definitely turned my frown upside down.

My head was on his chest, still hugging him. I looked at him and smiled. And then I did what I would never have the guts to ever do:

I kissed Oliver Scott Sykes.


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