Chapter 5

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Sanity. When will I get my sanity back? Can't I be completely happy for more than just one day? No, because life is a bitch. If I didn't have Oliver, I would have been truly alone.

My birthday passed, my mom went to the hospital because she wasn't feeling well. The day of my dad's funeral was a after, I didn't go. I graduated, my mom didn't attend though. A few day later I went to one of Olivers' lads' parties, after four bottles, I almost took Oliver under the sheets. I almost got arrested and nearly died by tripping on my stairs, I thankfully caught the railing before I could crack my head open.

That wasn't what made these past two months a living hell. My mom was diagnosed with leukemia. I could still remember that day so perfectly.

My mother has never tried Italian food. I had made a reservation in an Italian restaurant for this evening. I was going to make the last two weeks that the doctor said I had with her mean something.

I quietly ran down stairs, and knocked on my mom's door. Nothing. I frowned. She must have been sleeping, her energy draining, so she needed the sleep. I slowly opened the door. My mom's sleeping form was facing the wall, her back towards me. I silently went to wake her up. Her eyes were closed.

"Mom. Mom wake up, I want to tell you something." I reached to touch her, but was met with her cold, stiff skin. I gasped. "Mom!Mom!" I sat there crying. It was too early. "Mom please wake up," I whispered.

I sighed. I've been packing all her things the past two day, storing them in the spare bedroom. The house looked empty, dead. Oliver of course has been keeping me company, which I am very grateful for. With all the band practices that he has, he always has the time to visit me, whether it's in the morning or at night.

Oliver and I haven't had sex yet, if that was what you were thinking. I was taught to give my virginity to the man I was married to. And right now, marriage is the least of my problems.


I have been living with Matt Kean, leaving my abusive father behind, and it recently looks like my mother decided to do the same thing. I was currently packing my belongings. Curtis informed us that we had a world tour. We're finally going to get known across the world.

I'm really proud of the guys, they've put in so much effort, they deserve this. What really bugged me, was that I didn't know how to tell Thalia. I know she's alone at the time, I don't want to leave her, but this is a once in a life time opportunity. It would take a year or two for an amazing offer like this.

We recently signed up with a record label called Epitaph Records, removing our name from Earache Records. We had two days until we left.

That means today I have to tell Thalia. How is she going to react? Happy? Mad? Sad? Either way, she had to accept that we already agreed.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. I liked the relationship Thalia and I had. It wasn't anything close to what Jade and I had. All she wanted to do was going under the sheets. Every single god damn day. These days, I want afraid to admit that she was a whore. You know how disgusting it is to find out that she sleeps with about three different guys everyday?

I know that Thalia would never do anything like that. It's not in her character to hurt people. She was kind with everyone, everyone but herself. I'm glad she doesn't self harm.

"Oi! Where the fuck are my pants?" Matt yelled. Curtis was here, watching TV. He shrugged, Matt receiving the same response with me. Curtis started chuckling. "What are you laughing at know idiot?" Matt asked annoyed, still looking for his pants. "Bloody hell, where could they be," Matt mumbled.

Curtis shook his head, heading towards the door. I guess he's tired of hearing Matt. "Oi, Matt, look what I have!" Curtis said. Matt looked up. "You motherfucker." Curtis ran out the door, holding Matts' pants in the air.

Matt, stupid Matt, went to chase Curtis with only his boxers on. I wonder what the neighbors will thinks of us now. We'll still get criticized, so we might as well do whatever the fuck we feel like it.

With many things on my mind, I didn't tell Thalia yet.


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