Chapter 14

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Jane looked at me like saying I think they're talking to you. I tried to whip up an excuse fast. "We just wanted to get the fans talking and spreading the crazy rumor." Buy it! Buy it! "Well you sure got them talking, I mean look at this comment,"

Jaliver is so cute, can they be my parents

," that's not there's also this comment it say,"

They are gonna-

Jane cut him off. "Okay we get it!" She snapped which made him flinch back.
"Are you guys even a thing?" Asked Lee. I looked over at Jane. "Are we?" I asked. "You want to be?" I nodded. "Yup," announced Jane, "now get the fuck out of here before I set your dicks on fire!" They all ran, tripped trying to get away.

I laughed my ass off while Jane got up and started walking away. I got up and caught up to her. I grabbed her from behind the waist and kissed her. She responded but pulled away. "Enough fun for you today." She said. I pouted. "No means no." She retorted. I sighed. "Well then I guess your gonna be mad if I do this." She looked at me confused. "Do wha-" I lifted her up from the ground and kissed her again. She easily melted into it and responded. Once I put her down she glared at me.

Time skip


We got up on stage to preform. "What's up Seattle!" Chris shouted into the microphone. He was answered by cheering. He laughed. "Okay we're gonna preform our song Bottles."

Maybe we are made of glass
So fragile and easy to break
We are strong as we let ourselves seem
Yet so small in the hands of human
Some of us stand tall, some stand short

Maybe we do have a cap over our heads
So we have our emotions locked up
We are as glorious as we let ourselves strive
Yet some of us are empty and others full
But all of us are divided

Some shatter and break
Some fall and come back up
We can fly as high as we content
If we had wings that aren't controlled

Make sure when you pick up glass
You don't break it and leave the mess for the rest
Then pick another one and abandon it

Some of us have paper with words
Carried out to sea
Then we have those who were forgotten
We all carry different things inside
That we don't want anyone to find

So maybe we are made of glass
Fragile yet strong
We are powerful as we believe
There's difference behind our purposes
But don't make others bottles more important than they should be

We were done with the song, and I had to admit, this song will hit the ones who truly hear it straight in the feels.

We got off stage and I gave Austin a hug and a good luck before he went to preform.


I couldn't help but feel a bit jealous of the relationship Jane and Austin had. I first thought they were friends with benefits, but they said they're like brother and sister. Yet I feel Austin is a threat to my new relationship.

Time skip

When all the bands were done preforming, we headed towards our tour busses. The bands that were here were BMTH, PTV, OM&M, SWS, and IBDOA. Sleeping with Sirens always opts out of the parties. We were heading to a club so we had to take off our sweaty clothes.

When we all the bands were out I saw Jane. Jane was wearing royal blue lace dress, with three finger straps, the back of the dress wen down in a v, and she was wearing black platform heels. She looked beautiful. Apparently, the others guys thought so too cause their jaws dropped.

"Drool is going to come out of your mouths if you don't stop starring at my girlfriend." Jane is mine, and only mine. I put my arm over her shoulder. We walked to the club and on the way there people were giving us glares and gawks. Maybe cause there were 18 people, mostly tattooed all in a group, I think we mist likely looked like a gang, except Jane wasn't dressed to be in one.

The club was packed with people. We all went were there was enough seats for all of us. Then we all just went our separate ways. I found Jane talking to her band mate, Chris. I wave of jealousy came over me, but I decided to shrug it off. I then can't remember what happened next.

Short chapter, I know.


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