Chapter 6

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Oliver didn't visit me yesterday. Strange. He didn't even call or text me. Here I am, it's 3:24 am, and I'm still waiting for my phone to get a notification that he's okay or why he didn't inform me of his absence. Nothing.

I sighed and got out of bed, I couldn't sleep. How could I? My mind filled up with a bunch of what ifs. "No, no Thalia, think positive," I groaned, rubbing my forhead.

I went to the front porch of our- oh, forgot, I meant my house. I pulled out a cigarette. Right now, I'm not  thinking about the consequences: lung cancer or anything else. I huffed in amusement.

Who would have thought I would have turned into this when I was six? Nobody. I was expected to do better, to live better, but life puts different plans on those once dreams for the future life.

No one told me my father was going to get arrested back then. Nobody mentioned when he was also going to rot in their, leaving nothing but a corpes. Nobody said my mother had leukemia, and she body had been fighting it, but it eventually gave up. Anybody could have told me I would back then, and I'd laugh because I would think of it as impossible.

But life crawls under our noses, like a robber entering a house, he's not going to inform you, like life isn't going to tell you "Oh hey Thalia, your going to get a bunch of tattoos." I would have thought I had some sort of mental problem if I heard life say that, mostly because life doesn't talk.

I shook my head. I'm taking my thoughts to far. Ugh, I'm bored worried and tired. Talk about being high on life. I stomped on my cigarette, entered the house, and went to sleep face first.


I groaned and rolled over. My arm landed on flesh: someone. I abruptly sat up and looked at the girl right next to me: in my bed.

She wasn't Thalia. I ran a hand through my hair. I cheated. I slept with someone that was not my wife, that was not my girlfriend. I only remember-

Damn it! I can't believe I let my urges slip. I looked around, finding the half empty Ketamine. No no no! I'm going to leave in a day, I haven't told Thalia yet, and I have now banged a girl and cheated.

I'm not going to be leaving the country on a happy note. Thalia is going to hate me.

What if...What if I tell her that I'm leaving tomorrow and not tell her anything about this 'accident'? I could keep it away from her. She doesn't have to know. Not at all.


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