Chapter 3

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Ow! My pain tolerance isn't that...spectacular. That shit hurt more than the time when I was six and I had to get stitches for running into a doorknob.

Wondering what I got? My nose is now pierced and so is my eyebrow. Now to what is inked to my skin: a snake coiled on the ankle, and a tarantula on the back of my neck. Ironic since I have arachnophobia...

I'm down to my last M n M's, blue or red. Drums thudded behind the back of my mind. Eh. I popped both of them in my mouth like pills, savoring the chocolate. Noticed or not, I have an obsession with chocolate.

I threw the bag away and walked into a nearby liquor store. No, I don't consume liquor nor wine, I don't want to do something I regret. I went to grab a bag of Hot Fries and another bottle of water.

There was a guy in the far corner of the room, eyeing me. I dont want to be raped, I pleaded. I garbbed the bag and walked out of the store.

"Thalia?" I heard a voice ask. I turned around. Oliver was wearing a black hoodie, camouflaging into the dark corners where the street lights don't shine.

"Hey, Oliver, what're you doing here?" There was something in his hand, and I could only read 'Ket...'

"Oh. Uh...just getting a prescription drug for my...mum, uh, you see, she's been having...panic attacks and she's er...depressed, so I got her anti-depressants," he said. It sounded like he was asking himself a question, than rather answering my question. Hmm. "Well I hope she gets better," I said. I regretted once it rolled off my tongue. It's like I just said, "hope your mom feels better from getting that oh-so disease." I felt like he was now going to lash out at me.

"Yeah, I hope so too." Wow, not the answer I was expecting, but better than what I deemed it to be. He interrupted my thoughts. "So what brings you around here?" He asked. I gestured to my face with my hand. He squinted, eyebrows scrunching in confusion. I sighed, "I pierced my face and inked my skin."

"Ms. Matthews finally decided to grow up," he said, his face brightening. "Oh, I haven't seen any signs that you have 'grown up' Mr. Sykes," I scoffed. "For starters," he began before lifting up his hoodie along with his shirt, "I have more ink that you can ever manage to get darling." He also showed me his sleeves. I gulped, I would never tolerate that much. "Don't worry it didn't hurt," he assured.

"Now, my piercings," he said. "You have piercings?" I asked. Maybe he just took them off, or I was too retarded to notice. "I was going to put them in, since I obviously don't want them to close up, okay we'll maybe my nose piercing," he faltred, thinking.

I must be a child compared to him, in the aspect of being inked and being pierced by needles. "I have a lip piercing, and I think by now it's closed up, but I had a bridge piercing." Ooh, I heard those hurt like fuck.

"Well thanks for rubbing it in my face," I said. He gave me a wink. I gasped. "You dirty minded twat," I muttered. "Well I better be going," I said, giving him a small wave. "Let me walk you," he offered. There was that man looking at me...

"Yeah sure," I said with a smile. I didn't take my phone with me, it must be late, not like my mom's going to worry, she's not even going to be there. She never is. I let out a sigh. "What's wrong?" Oliver asked. "Nothing," I said looking away.

I can never bring myslef to talk about my family. I've always wanted to have those loving selfless families. But my mother always taught me to be happy with what I have. So I'll be happy being alone. "I know I barely know you, but I can tell you're lying," he said. That topic. The truth and the lies. I grew up in the atmosphere where you can't trust nobody, not even yourself. You can't depend on people, just logic.

"I'm just worried about school," I lied. "I'm not sure what I got on finals, kind of like an anxiety I'm feeding on, but eh, I'm fine," I said. The first thing I learned about talking to people was think emotionless. I don't want to start crying or sobbing, or letting anyone pity me.

"Will you go on a date with me?"

"What?!" I'm shocked. Did he just ask that? It's probably just my imagination. This anxiety must be getting to me, that's all it is, my anxiety. He never asked that. He never-

"I'm sorry! I...yeah, it's fine, say no I don't mind. I just kind of liked you. But don't worry! It's fine, it's my fault that I asked. I just," he blurted out. He did. He did ask me. No, no fucking way. This has to be a prank, it can't be anything else. But then I found my mouth say yes. What no, well yes...but I didn't say yes I...

I wanted to scream. There is nothing wrong with Oliver or dating Oliver, but it's just...overwhelming. Did he not hear me when I said I was stressed out? Nope, he didn't hear right. Or maybe he did, but he needed to let it out. I get it, he's just getting the weight off his shoulders that he liked me.

But why? I mean, I'm just your average band freak trying to avoid humanity at all cost and live a life society wants me to live in. To fit in. That's all: a teenager struggling to please society by blending in. But I could never see me dating anyone, marrying anyone, having KIDS with anyone, I just cant picture it because of one word: why?

But I said yes, and he smiled.

That smile suits him, but I never would have the real guts to say it, cause I'm a coward. But I like his smile, a lot actually.


The new AA album came out today, so proud of them :)

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