Chapter 1

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** Hey, I'm Shannon! this is my first story and i don't really know how its going to turn out! sorry if its not all I'm that great :/ well anyways i wont write a lot in between my stories so this may be one of the few times that happens! I'm sorry for all of the grammar mistakes. I finished writing this and looking back at it, I realized the things I hate in writers are the things that I've done. I'm working on editting this. In case you're wondering whent he editting will start, I started today, November 14, 2012.**



"Connor!" I shouted. He pranked me by putting shaving cream in my hand and tickling my nose with a feather! Really? What are we, eight? You'd imagine he'd be a little mature or at least find some better prank ideas.

“Sugar, learn to take a joke.” I groan aloud. I swear I can barely put up with my brother, Jake, let alone Connor too. Those two together are unbearable together. At least I have my other brother, Ben, to save me. He always takes my side during a fight, always a perk.

“Connor, don’t you have a home?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Then how come you’re always at mine?”

Connor just laughs, “I live for the moments to tease you sugar.”

Connor is like another brother to me. He protects me from people at school and my alcoholic mother at home. He plays the role of my third brother.

I couldn’t ask for more, except for the fact that it would be great to be a normal teenager. Do you know how hard it is to find real finds that aren’t using me to become Connor or my brother’s next booty call? Extremely, they role the school. They are the hottest boys and town and I have the connections to their equally hot friends. Can I use that to my advantage? No.

Ben is three years older than me, while Connor and Jake are just a grade above me. They’re one of the first people to find out the latest gossip so they know when I like a guy and vice versa. It’s hell on my love life. I swear, I’ll be the next forty year old virgin. It’s bad enough I’m seventeen and haven’t even kissed anyone, let alone had a boyfriend.

Nope, brother dearests wouldn’t allow it, oh either would Connor. I remember the time where the guy I’ve had a crush on since freshman year asked me out and Connor just so happened to be a few lockers down. I was so excited that I didn’t notice Con approaching with scowl on his face. He quickly told my crush off and told him to shove his offer up his ass because I wouldn’t stoop so low as to go out with him. Ha, little did Connor know.

They do have their moments though. They include me in everything that they do. The boys and I became close once our daddy decided we needed the extra money and joined the army. We haven’t seen him in forever, considering that he keeps reenlisting. Momma’s gone into depression after daddy left, which cause her to become a violent alcoholic.

The best thing is, I have a great best friend, Molly. She’s been dating the same guy since freshman year, Scott.

Since the boys and I are so close, we all hangout as a group. We’re the people who are considered in the ‘in’ crowed, but that’s really just because I’m related to Ben, Jake and friends with Connor.

I'm trying to think if I forgot anything. Oh! I forgot to mention I think I'm in love with Connor. Little did I know I wouldn't see him until six years later?

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