Chapter 1: Stupidity

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Adjective: Lacking intelligence or common sense 

Noun: Describing a person, or in my case, my life.

It's down right stupid. I didn't get it, and I probably never will. I'd been on the run since I was twelve years old with my little brother, Tyler. I would've run away earlier, but I couldn't leave him behind. Ty was four years younger than me and had taken off with me when he was eight.  

We were never "normal" to other people. Back in Texas, we were basically shunned and labelled demon children and such. Of course, people were extremely superstitious in the small town I grew up in. I had a couple friends, two or three, but my brother didn't have any. I couldn't take seeing him so isolated and depressed and... Abused, really.  

So we took to the rails. We packed up our backpacks with small packaged food and water bottles. I grabbed a photo of my mom and my dad. I had never known my mom, she deserted my dad after I was born. Dad got re-married, but the situation just repeated after Tyler was born.  

I left my dad a note saying that we were en route to New York and that we were grateful for his hospitality. I also wrote that it was for the best, as he was shunned as well, and that I hope to see him in the future. Then, we initiated the plan we had been cooking up since Tyler was six.  

We walked down the streets at around 1:00 AM. We arrived at the train station at 2:00 AM and hung out until 6:00 AM when our train arrived. I had purchased two tickets on the Amtrak with the money I'd saved for two years.  

We boarded the train and found our compartment. It was cramped and consisted of two hammocks and luggage storage. There was a large window at the back wall overlooking the West Texas dirt and bush grass, the sunrise illuminating the landscape in a soft pink light.  

An annoying conductor's voice sounded over the intercom and said something about departing in five minutes but I didn't care.  

It was happening. I beamed. I was en route to New York.

"Addison!" Tyler whined, "I'm hungry!" 

"I don't know if I have enough money for the breakfast car. How about the snack bar?" I asked. 

"Yes!!" My little brother practically screamed. 

We made our way to the train snack bar and observed the options. 

Ten dollars later, I was happily munching on a muffin while my brother inhaled a snickers bar and a muffin as well.  

"Thanks Add!" Tyler said happily. 

I smiled at my nickname. 

"How about we go to the lounge area?" I suggested. 

"Okay!" He said.

I checked my Instagram on my iPhone and saw my friends' pictures of their day. I saw my best friend Sam's post of her fat little dachshund puppies and smiled. My other friend Hannah posted a picture of her Starbucks cup with a pool background. That looked SO fun, although New York is probably more fun. If only they knew about my day, I thought.  

Ty was on his Nintendo playing Mario Bros. I smiled. Still innocent... For a little while I hoped. 

I noticed his watch. He had grabbed it from Dad's room I suppose. Tyler was left the watch from his mother before she left, as I was left my bracelet. It was titanium and had three stones encrusted into the metal. One was a pearl, the other was abalone, and the other was labradorite. Surrounding the stones, seashells decorated the bracelet. It was more of an "arm cuff" if that makes sense.  

Tyler's watch was an MTM Special Ops model, the type of watch the army uses. It had been confiscated by our dad because it was "too expensive for kids". Engraved on the watch face was two crossed spears with a torch on each side. I always thought the design was strange, but I suppose it suited Tyler.

We were nearing Philadelphia when the incident happened. I was texting my friends in the lounge car, trying to come up with lies of my current location and why I couldn't hang out. There was a fourteen year-old boy with jet black hair and sea green eyes sitting across the way from me, conversing with a curly-haired blonde girl with piercing gray eyes. They  kept glancing at me nervously, and frankly it put me on edge.  

A large woman walked through the car doors and smiled sweetly at my brother and I, a little too sweetly. The boy slipped a pen out of his pocket while glancing between the lady and my brother and I. 

The lady kept bumping me with her large crocodile skin purse, which was incredibly annoying. I played it sweet though, not getting mad.  

Suddenly, the woman grabbed Tyler's arm, her sharp long nails digging into his skin. I locked eyes with the blond girl, my silent plea for help. She nodded and rubbed a strange clay bead necklace that was clasped around her neck. 

The lady was now dragging Tyler, who was frozen with fear, towards the exit. The pair stood up and sauntered over to the lady, who had grown scaly skin, talons, a forked tongue, and sharp teeth. I followed them, grabbing a convenient nearby fork from an empty seat, why that would be there, I have no idea. It worked okay?  

The boy suddenly uncapped the pen and I let out a yelp. In its place, was a glowing gold sword. The girl unsheathed a dagger of the same nature. The boy slammed the creature over the head with the hilt  of his sword, making it whirl around releasing its grip on Tyler. Tyler took this opportunity to grab a heavy briefcase and whack the monster across the face. I jumped in and started stabbing her flabby arms with my fork, as the girl did the same with her dagger. The boy grabbed Tyler.  

The monster slowly disintegrated into golden-yellow dust.  

"Wha..? Tyler.. Who..?" I started. 

Then I blacked out, falling into the dark haired boy's arms.

So I hope you guys liked it! This is my first demigod story so it may not be the best.


LEO: Hey can I go jump on that alligator? :D

RICK RIORDAN: No Leo, that would be dangerous.

LEO: That's no fair! I can do whatever I want! You don't own me!

RICK: Actually, I do.




I only own Addison and Tyler, so there. Awesome.

Bye Pigeons!


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