"Sophia, glad you could make it. I was getting a little worried about you. I was starting to think that you stood me up." Eli said as shook his head in disbelief at his own thought.

"Me, stand you up? I could never. I'm normally the one who gets stood up. Anyway, shall I show you the tour of this town while on foot or shall we take a drive?" I asked him with a smile.

"I still don't see how people at your school aren't fond of you. I would never stand you up either. It was just a little later than we had confirmed so I was getting worried. Hmm..." Elijah trailed off.

"Beats me, but you know what? If I had friends at that school I probably would have never found you online and we probably wouldn't be standing here together this very second." I said.

Elijah gasped and nodded at her words. "You're right. I shouldn't be thinking like that. Maybe I'm glad you only have me as your friend. Only need me anyways."

At his words, my lips curled into a smile. He was being super sweet to me and at times I wondered if he was really being my friend or if this was all an act because he felt sorry for me. It was a mystery to me still, but I wasn't going to question it. Not now. I didn't know if I wanted to hear the real truth if it was what I was thinking.

"I want to show you something." I told him as I motioned for him to follow me to my car. It was a necessary thing that we drive to this. It would have been an incredibly long walk if we hadn't. Soon enough Elijah decided it was okay to trust me on this one.

He followed behind me and we both got into the vehicle at the same time. I looked over at him as I put on my seat belt. I could tell that he was curious. His eyes gave him away. I gave him a smile as he glanced over at me. Once he was all buckled up, I started up the vehicle and pressed on the gas just a little bit so that I could back out of my parking spot. We were now finally on the road. There wasn't much to see in this small town but I had something special that I thought I'd show Elijah. It was something that I found here to be my favorite place that I was sure no one else knew about.

After a few minutes of driving I could see where my hideout was located. I pulled into a parking spot and stopped the vehicle. Elijah gave me a weird look as we stopped. "You want to show me some trees in the middle of nowhere?" He asked while scrunching up his nose. I laughed as he thought that was what I was showing him.

"If you'd get out of the vehicle and follow me then you'll really miss out. Trust me on this." I explained as I stepped out of the car. I waited for him to do the same and when he finally did I locked the doors behind him and placed my car keys in my pocket. "We have a little bit of walking to do through these trees. You won't have to worry about poison ivy there's none in there."

He still looked at me with a confused expression on his face. He was about to be amazed by this thing. Elijah just didn't know it yet. I started walking through the woods and looked over my shoulder to make sure that Elijah was following me. He was, so I continued walking to where we needed to go.

"How do I know you're not taking me to face my death?" Elijah asked as he glanced around at all the trees.

"I guess you won't find out, unless you keep following." I say while shaking my head.

Once we finally made it to the end of the little trail I had made I smiled and stopped the boy from walking. I pointed out in front of him and I saw his mouth drop at what he was seeing. This was my hideout that I always like to come too. In front of us was a decent sized lake that anyone could swim in. I started to take my shirt off. He looked over at me and raised an eyebrow.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm going swimming. Are you coming or not?"

"But I don't have a swim suit."

"Who said anything about having to wear a swim suit?" I asked with a smirk. I left my bra on and took off my pants.

"It's only April."

"It's in the sixties. You're fine. You're just being a chicken. Come swim with me! Plus you'll miss the best part." I told him.

"What's the best part?" He asks.

I don't even answer him I just run over to the big rope that's hanging from the tree. Once I'm finally too it I jump onto the rope, making it swing. Once I'm over the water, I let go and drop into the lake. The water isn't too bad, it's a little chilly but it felt really good from being in the heat. Finally, I noticed Elijah getting undressed. He removed his shirt and I bit down hard on my lip. He had a nice body. He wasn't super muscular but his muscles still showed that he worked out. He definitely had some nice abs too. I had to pry my eyes away from him so I wouldn't keep starring.

All of his clothes were off his body when I finally glanced back at him. Then, he followed my lead and ran to the rope. I smiled since he joined me in the water. I laughed as he came back up and shook his hair like a puppy would, making my face wet from it.

"Well, hello there. Thanks for joining me." I told him as I gave him a smile.

"Hello to you. No problem. This place is pretty amazing." He told me while he splashed me when I was clearly not ready for that.

"Oh so that's how it's going to be huh? You're in for it now." I laughed. I dived under water and swam around before I spotted his feet. I grabbed onto his ankle and pulled him under. His whole body was now submerged underneath the water as I swam up to the surface to catch a breath.

I looked around trying to find Elijah since he hadn't come up yet. He was honestly starting to scare me. Suddenly I felt something grab a hold of my foot I gasped as I was pulled under water. I hadn't been able to catch my breath in time once Elijah pulled me down. I was waiting for him to let go of me so that I could swim back up to the surface. I needed air badly. Elijah finally let my leg go and I swam quickly to the top. I couldn't help but cough to get the water out of my lungs. When Elijah resurfaced he frowned when saw me nearly choking on the water.

"Oh no, I'm sorry Sophia." He said as he swam over to me and helped me get to the edge of the lake. When my feet were able to touch the bottom again I walked out of the lake and laid myself on the grass. Elijah followed close behind me; he sat on his knees as he looked over me.

"Are you okay?" He asked again.

"Yeah, I think so. Can we just stay on the grass for a little while?" I asked.

Elijah nodded and I gave him a smile. Grateful that he didn't think I was a wimp for not being able to hold my breath well enough. He lay down beside me and I felt him grab a hold of my hand. It was nice just lay here with Elijah and not care about anything else in the world.

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