Going, Going, Gone.-17

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Henry had been staying at Emma's for almost a week. Regina staying anywhere but her own house. Emma had tried getting the two to talk but it was no use. Each time Emma called Regina, she either answered and said not to call again, or didn't answer at all. It was all beginning to infuriate Emma. She'd been trying to stay back and give Regina her space, but Henry was her son too. Emma couldn't lie about the fact she loved having their son for some extra time, but she never saw him either. If she did he didn't speak. By the time five days had past, she'd had enough. She stormed down the stairs and headed straight for the front door.
"Where are you going?" Snow asked, but Emma didn't reply. She slammed the door shut and headed straight for her bug.
"You're in for a shock when you go where you're going, if I'm right." Snow mumble to herself and carried in cooking.
Emma broke every speed limit there was, what was anyone going to do about it. She was the sherif not them. She was driving past Golds shop when she saw Belle outside. She was arguing with someone but couldn't see who he was. Probably her father, but Emma didn't really care she had other things on her mind.
Parking in a ridiculously bad manor she softened up Reginas driveways and headed for her front door, not noticing the absence of her car.
"Emma!" She whipped her head as she touched the door handle. She swore she heard Reginas voice. Ignoring if she went for the door handle again when she heard her voice again. Turning around she saw Regina, but something wasn't right.
"Hello Miss Swan. I have enchanted my house so this message is replayed to you an you only. I assume it's been a few days and you've come to look for me, probably out of anger as I've not spoken with our son. Well I'm here, in this form, to tell you I'm not here. I've went somewhere very few would look, but I'm there. You may enter my home and look for me, there are clues around for you to find. Look at it almost like s treasure hunt, me being the treasure. Well why are you still here. Go." Hologram Regina flicked her wrist as the door opened behind Emma. She looked back to see the magical hologram had disappeared, small swirls of purple smoke taken its place. As Emma entered the mansion, she felt a chill go down her spine. Something about here was eery, an unusual feeling you got when you entered here. As she steppe forward the door slammed shut behind her.
"Shit!" She jumped as she looked at the closed door. She went back and tried to open it, but another voice rang out. She immediately recognised it as Reginas.
"Now, now, don't be scared. You'll find your way out once you've found the clues. Of you go now." The lights suddenly flickered on and Emma couldn't help but shout as though she were with the Mayor herself.
"Really!" She could almost feel her smirking at her.
She took a few steps forward when she heard a crunch from underneath her foot. A piece of paper lay on the floor, glowing a soft purple.
Well done, you've found clue one. Now it's time for the fun. Go to where I rest my head, a place with pillows and covers. A place where normal clothes are shed.
"Her bed." Emma muttered and raced to her bedroom. Not paying attention to her surroundings she ran straight for the door and pushed open the door. The room was immaculate. Not a thing out of place, except the glowing purple note. This one glowing slightly brighter than the last.
Good girl, now, our son likes it here. It where if I had a party you'd go for the beer. Food is stored, and my famous apple turnovers are made and adored. Find your next clue here, trust me dear.
"Kitchen." She ran back downstairs. She stopped once she was at the bottom, catching her breath slightly. After a second or two she went for the kitchen. Sure enough sitting on the counter was another glowing note, ironically next to the beer. She picked up the brighter note and began to read.
Only a few left now. Whilst you read you may want to wipe that bead of sweat from your brow. Speaking of brow, you'll like the next place now. It's where I sit and do my face. Come on now Swan, pick up your pace.
"Her face?" She read the note a few more times, bewildered until she thought.
"Her dressing room!" She almost yelled as sprinted for her wardrobe/dressing room.
"Little faster, dear." She true her best to ignore Reginas voice resonating around the house. Once inside she looked around as she saw some of her clothes. She quickly thought back to were she'd seen her other dressing table and wardrobe in her room.
"Really, you need two?" She mumbled, but sighed when she spotted some of Robins clothing on the other side. As she spotted it she whipped her head at the brightest note yet, lying on top of her empty desk.
Turn around now and you'll see, something that looks like it was left by me. Look on the floor and follow the trail. This is the final one, you cannot fail. Tell Henry I love him and I'll speak very soon.
Tick, tock, tick, tock, dear, time's running out on that clock.
As Emma turned a glowing note lay at her feet.
Follow Me.
Once she read it, it began to float upwards and down the hall. She reached the top of the stairs and saw a new note there.
Straight to the bottom, now.
Once again she followed and at the bottom lay another note.
She sighed in frustration as she could hear her mocking tone. This one shot up and lead her to the living room.
"What!" This notes glow was faded more than the last. It flew up and took her into her study, the dark study with only the small faint glowing of the note on the wooden table.
This time the note was much faster than the others. Emma had to jog slightly to keep up with it. As it swept around her house she watched as it took her to the side door. The door flew open, making Emma jump. Finally the note slowed as it stopped outside the driver door of her yellow bug. The door creakily opened, and Emma reluctantly got in. Slamming shut, the door closed without warning and Emma groaned in frustration. She opened her eyes to see her final note on her steering wheel. As she read it, Reginas voice spoke again. This time clearer than the others. It was so clear it felt like she was whispering in her ear, sending shivers done her spine. The final note was only this one word, but it was the most chilling. Most haunting.

Hope you enjoyed! Where do you think Regina is? Comment and if you guess right I'll give you a mention at the end of next chapter!

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