Questions, So Many Questions-11

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Announcement! I will be doing a Christmas chapter which should hopefully go up around the 20th! It will probably be longer but I'm not sure yet! Enjoy!
It had been a few days since Robin had found the bump on Reginas head. He brought it up once but she acted like she hadn't heard and suddenly change the subject.
Emma on the other hand had been freaking out. She couldn't help but replay those few moments she'd seen of Regina. She'd only been down there because she'd gotten a disturbance call, about the mayor herself. At first she'd thought it was a joke but soon realised the frantic nurse was genuine. She'd barely spoke to Regina since their phone call regarding Henry's whereabouts and even then no one brought it up. Emma wasn't even sure if Regina had seen her there.
"You alright, love?" She whipped her head as Robin stood before her. She hadn't realised she'd been standing stalk still in front of a barber shop window until his voice dragged her out.
"Yea, I was just thinking."
"Oh right. Listen I actually needed a word?"
"Course, what's up?" She turned to him as they began walking down the street together.
"Has Regina spoken to you at all?"
"No, not properly. Why?"
"I'm worried she's found out about, you know."
"Oh god, I hope not. He wouldn't let that happen right? I'd feel awful if she did."
"It wasn't that big of a deal though, he's fine now?"
"Robin, no offence, but I've known Regina a bit longer than you have and I've seen her at her anger stages. If she found out what happened, she wouldn't just kill Gold, she'd kill us too. I mean we have been keeping this from her and we let him."
"Yes I suppose, I just feel awful for not telling her."
"Look I don't know how he's doing it, but he's managing to keep everyone quiet about it, so I think it's best if we do to." She stopped outside of granny's by this point, both shivering from the cold.
"I'm gonna get a hot cocoa and head back, want to join?" She offered as another gust of wind swept over them.
"I really shouldn't. I'm sure Regina is back by now, dinner might be getting out out soon."
"What's she been up to lately anyway?"
"I know as much as you I'm afraid, all I'm told is that she has 'mayoral duties' to attend to. She won't say anymore." He shrugged as she shook her head confused.
"Let's hope that's all it is. Have a good one Robin." She nodded as he walked away without another word other than 'you too.'
"Hey there, Emma. Hot cocoa?" Granny called from behind the counter.
"Thanks, Granny. I'll be down here." Emma called over to her as she slid into the booth.
"You got it!" Emma glanced over as Granny began pressing all the buttons on the machines.
"Mind if I join you?" She looked up as Gold stood in front of her.
"You're kidding, right?" She scoffed when he just shrugged at her.
"Believe it or not, deary, Dark Ones actually like to talk to people too, well, sometimes."
"Don't let me stop you." She signalled her hand for him to take a seat as he nodded in thanks.
"One hot cocoa. Oh you wanting anything, Gold?" Ruby looked towards him, disgust riddled in his name as she spat it out.
"I'm good, but thanks for your kindness with the whole subject." He spat back, but instead of disgust, his voice was riddled with sarcasm.
"So, Gold, tell me. Why are you not with your wife?"
"Well, my dear, she's mad at me so I'm currently sleeping on the couch. Literally." He spoke, Emma smiled slightly to herself as when he spoke of Belle his voice did something. It changed to a softer tone, almost.
"Wow. Can she do that to the almighty Dark One?" Emma couldn't help but risk, practically, her life by teasing him a little.
"Course not, but, she can do that do her husband. I'm not the Almighty Dark One with Belle, I'm just Rumple. Nothing more."
"So then what did ya do? You know, to be chucked outta bed?"
"I lied to her." Emma almost couldn't believe he was telling her all this.
"It was a very simple, small, white lie."
"Uh huh." Emma sipped from her mug and internally sighed as the steaming liquid slid down her throat. She didn't know how, but granny seemed to be able to get better each time.
"I magicked up some fancy food for a nice dinner and-"
"You told her you made it?" She chuckled as he nodded, almost sheepishly but knew better than to think so of The Dark One.
"I just- It wasn't that big of a deal."
"To you it wasn't. Go to the store, get ingredients. Even if it's for something as simple as Mac'n'cheese, go get the ingredients. Make her an 'I'm sorry' dinner, that you actually made, and in sure you'll be out the dog kennel in no time."
"That's all I need to do then?"
"Oh and by the way, Emma, I'm on the couch. Not a dog kennel. And if anyone ever hears about this little conversation, you know I know where you are." Once he'd slid out the booth and pointed his fingers at her with a lecture, he was off out the door.
Emma sat shaking her head at him as though he were just a stranger.
"What he want?" Henry slid quickly into the booth, making Emma jump.
"Jeez! Kid you gotta stop doing that!" She placed her hand on her heart as it evened out in pace.
"Shouldn't you be with Regina? No tonight's your night, I've stayed with Regina the past few nights. Now you're the lucky winner of a teenage boy!" He spoke like a cheesy game show host. He leaned forward and put a pretend mic in her face.
"How do you feel about your brand knew teenage boy?"
"There you have it folks! Miss Swan here is delighted to have her very own teenage boy. However, if you want him for two nights in a row! You must answer one simple question."
"I'm ready."
"What were you and Mr Gold talking about?" He raised his eyebrows at her to see if she'd reply.
"Uh I know his one! Come on Emma, think! Oh oh I got it!" She jumped excitedly in her seat after she'd finished with the fake confusion.
"Your answer is?"
"Make sure you have clean underwear at Reginas for tomorrow night." She winked and placed her mug down.
"Come on kid, I'd better get you back. I think we all need some rest."
He huffed as the slid out the booth, leaving the money on the counter for Ruby to collect.
"So is that a definite no?" He pushed one last time.
"What do you think?" She now reprised the role of a game show host, holding the invisible mic to him. She laughed as he rolled his eyes, obviously amused by her antics.
So not too much OQ in this one cause I thought I'd attempt a slightly funnier one. Bit of Robin and Emma and then Rumple and Emma and finally Henry and Emma. So a bit of an Emma centred chapter. Hope you enjoyed! Please comment and vote!

Outlaw Queen: Forgetting Our EndingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora