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I don't know exactly what was happening two years ago so just pretend this was what was happening!

"Home at last." Regina huffed as she dropped onto the couch.
"Hello dear!" Robin came down the stairs and kissed her forehead.
"Hello, have a good day?"
"Yes, actually I did. You?"
"We had great fun, right Henry?" She looked to him as he sat on a chair.
"Yea! Mom let me get a slice of the chocolate cake too!" He buzzed with excitement from the sugar.
"Something I'm now regretting. Where's Roland?"
"Upstairs playing with his toys."
"Ah. You wanna go join him?" She smirked as Henry shook his head.
"Nah!" Robin sat next to Regina on the couch before wrapping his arm round her shoulder.
"I've never actually been to that market." Robin thought aloud.
"This is the first I've been with Mom in a few years." Henry commented.
"Whys that?"
"Don't!" The woman of the hour piped up.
"Henry. Tell me." Robin jokingly got serious.
"No!" Regina pounced on top of Henry to stop him from listening. Doing anything to stop him. Holding her hand over his mouth, tickling him and even trying to carry him away but nothing worked.
"Tell me lad.
"Mom got drunk last time."
"What?" Robin choked out and looked to Regina, who's face went bright red and she sunk lower into the couch.
"I got a little tipsy."
"Mom you were hammered!"
"Henry Daniel Mills!" She shot her eyes open and saw him chuckle.
"Sorry, it's true though."
"Now this is a story I'd like to hear."
"No! I'll say. It'll sound better coming from me."
"Go on then, love. Spit it out."
Storybrooke Two Years Ago
"Neal! Come on!"
"I dunno. My dad might be there and I'm not sure. You know I really am happy for him and Belle but it's still a little weird." Neal shrugged as Emma dragged him along.
"It'll be fun!"
"And Hook will be there. You know I'm happy for you Em but I don't want you flaunting your love about."
"He's down at the Jolly Roger today. Maintenance crap! Come on! Look there's Regina!" Emma pointed to were the brunette was near the sound stage.
"Hey!" Regina smiled, already slightly tipsy.
"Hey! Any alcohol round here?" Emma joked as Regina waved off to a table to the left.
"Over there is the booze!"
"Nice seeing you Regina."
"You too Baelfire."
"Robin not coming?"
"Naaaaaaah. He's off with Roland somewhere." She took another sip from her glass.
"Okay, be careful. Come on let's go get drunk!" Emma dragged him off to the side as Regina watched on.
"Ruby! Go get me more booze!"
"Maybe you've had enough for now?" Ruby walked with her to the table as Regina looked around it.
"You know what, I'm gonna go find Granny." Ruby smiled and left the Queen to choose her drink.
"Maybe a beer?" She picked up the bottle and flicked the top of with magic.
"Madam Mayor, enjoying the party I'm sure?" Dr Whale slunk up to her, sipping the same beer.
"Sure am. We seem to have quite the selection of drinks here." She gestured towards the table.
"Sure do." He chuckled as she stumbled slightly.
"Maybe I should sit down." She stalked over to a table and say on the edge.
"Mind if I join?" He sat next to her as she just shrugged.
"Do I look like I give a fuck?" He widened his eyes as the alcohol obviously took its toll.
"Not really." He cautiously sat next to her as she took another swig from her drink.
Several hours later the market had turned more into a party. The sound stage at the front was booming with music and the patch in front, which had been cleared for this specific reason, was bustling with people. Stalls had mostly been pack up and most people were either staying to enjoy the party, or going home for a nice night in. Regina was staying out.
"Regina! Are you giving a speech this year?" Snow asked as the heavily intoxicated woman danced.
"Am I fuck!"
"You gave one last year?" Snow was beginning to worry of her behaviour.
"That was for some special- shit!" She roared with laughter as she tripped up and fell to the ground.
"Are you alright?" Snow picked her up and walked her towards the tables.
"I'm fine!" She shrugged as she slumped into the benched seat.
"Good here comes Emma." Snow mumbled as Emma made her way out of the crowd.
"Aaaaaaay! Emma! Baby! Come get your old mother home so we can go party!" She lifted her arms in her direction as Emma shook her head.
"Regina, I think it's-" she was cut off by Snows outrage.
"Regina you're older than me!"
"Okay how much have both of you drank?"
"A glass or two?" Regina lied, trying to look innocent.
"Not too much." Snow giggled like a school girl.
"I'm taking you home." Emma lifted her up into her arms and began walking. She tried her best given the circumstances, she had Reginas full weight on her shoulders since the Queen was too drunk to walk.
"Now Emma, we haven't even been on our first date and you're already takin me home? Bit fast don't you think?" She scrunched her nose up and looked at the sherif.
"Shut up an try to walk." They nearing Emma's apartment when Regina spoke again.
"Just you wait and see what I can do once we're alone." She smirked when Emma looked at her, slightly horrified.
"Hook should be stopping by soon, he'll check up on you."
They finally made it to the top of the stairs when Emma looked at the brunette.
"Think you can stand on your own whilst I get the keys?"
"Course!" She stepped backwards showing off how she could stand. It was only seconds later she fell over, holding onto the banister for balance.
"I'm good. I'm good!" She laughed away holding herself up.
Once Emma dragged her inside, she took her over to the couch and let her body drop.
"What the bloody hell is going on?" Emma jumped as Hooks voice came up from behind her.
"GUYLINER! Get over here let's have a smooch!" Regina made kissing noises as the pirate stepped back. She extended her arms as Hook shook his head.
"She's drunk off her ass." Emma looked at him unimpressed.
"I see." He smirked as Regina smiled innocently and waved at him.
"Very drunk." Emma stated and went to make her a coffee.

Storybrooke Present Day
Regina sat in utter humiliation as Robin sat roaring and crying with laughter.
"You were so bloody drunk!" He held his stomach as he laughed.
"Haha it's so funny." She spoke as Henry was close to tears.
"Oh Mom! You gotta love you sometimes."
"You asked the pirate for a kiss? And Emma! You flirted with Emma bloody Swan!" Robin couldn't help the tears streaming down his face.
Once the laughter calmed slightly, and Henry was in the other room, he turned to look at her beetroot face.
"I swear, my goal in this relationship now is to get you that drunk."
"Not a chance. I learned my lesson."
"We'll see about that darling. We'll see."
Pleeeeeeease comment and vote. I want to know what you thought of drunk Regina! I was actually inspired by drunk Lana in hooker_at_once fanfic about Colifer, it's called Sinful Desires so you should go check it out!
Love to you all! And hope you had a good Christmas!

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