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Regina lay on the couch and checked the time in her phone.
She was surprised Robin wasn't home yet, but knew he'd probably be with the Merry Men in the forest. She thought back to her conversation earlier, with Henry.
"So it's okay, right?" She heard his voice go all excited.
"Yes, dear, it's fine. You have fun."
"Mom?" She heard the slight change in his voice and quickly put away her newspaper.
"Could you do me a favour?"
"What's that?"
"Ask Emma for me?"
"What? Why? I'm sure she wouldn't mind?"
"After her and Hook wanted me to stay, I felt bad suddenly telling her I wasn't."
"I'll have a chat with her. Don't you worry, my prince."
"Thank mom! See you tomorrow!"
"Love you."
"Love you too! Hey, Brice, my Mo-" she chuckled as the line went dead after he obviously shouted on his friend. Luckily she knew Brice's mother and father well enough to let him stay there. Otherwise he'd be singing a different tune.
Reginas eyes shot open as her phone beeped at a constant rate. She looked to her lap where the device lay and er heart skipped a beat when she saw the name.
Emma Swan
"Miss Swan, what a surprise." She put a fake voice on.
"Where the hell is Henry!" She pulled away from the phone slightly as the blondes voice boomed through.
"I called you and told you earlier." She spoke calmly, trying to recall whether she did or not.
"No you didn't!"
"Okay well maybe I forgot, anyway he's at a sleepover."
"Oh, thank god!"
"Goodnight, Miss Swan."
"Wait! Regina, Wait!"
"Whaaaaat!" She moaned down the phone like a child, before quickly composing herself.
"Can we talk?"
"I'm tired, Miss Swan"
"Fine, lunch tomorrow?
"Fine. I'll see you at noon, text me where as long as it's not granny's. You get a little sick of granny's cooking after thirty years."
"No need to remind me of my age, thank you. I'll see you tomorrow. Good night."
"Goodnight, Miss Swan."  She couldn't help the smile on her lips as she spoke.
The line went dead as Regina sighed. She looked down as she felt a slow pain course through her feet, and she suddenly realised she still had her heels on.Leaning down she pulled her black heels off and gave out a slow sigh of relief as the pain slowly subsided. Once again she felt a wave of exhaustion creep over her. She rested her phone on the carpet next to her and lay her head down on the head rest, her feet on the other. Then she unzipped the side zipper as she, once again, sighed in relief. She felt her gut relieve of the tension that had been there for most of the day. She may have a petite frame, and a petite stomach, but her pencil skirt seemed to be that much tighter. Making her need to practically suck in for most of her day.
Robin walks through the door at exactly 7pm and was delighted by the sight he saw. He firstly called the the house to let Regina know of his presence, but didn't get an answer. So he went from room to room looking. First the kitchen, where he saw a mug sitting in the sink from a coffee she'd obviously indulged in, then to the back room, which he called the oak room. Once again he found it to be empty and the fire wasn't lit, so knew she wouldn't be in there. He came out the door and went to go upstairs when he heard a soft snore coming from the living room. He walked quietly over to the room and smiled at the sight. There she lay, fast asleep. He smiled as the balls of her feet were facing the door and her head towards the fire place. The side of her stomach was exposed as her blouse had risen upwards. Her feet and legs seemed alright since she wore her tights. He then couldn't contain himself as she scrunched her nose around in her sleep. He chuckled as he leaned over her and pulled the blanket from behind her. As he placed the blanket over her goosebump covered arms, she seemed to almost him with the satisfaction the warmth brought. Snuggling her head inwards, so her nose was just about reaching the backing of the sofa, she sighed once more and her breathing evened out again. He stood for several moments admiring the innocent look on her relaxed face before leaning down and kissing her temple. As he ran his fingers through her Raven locks he felt something strange. He went back and forth over her scalp lightly to be sure not to wake her. He was sure he was right. It couldn't have really been anything else. Surely she'd tell him if something was wrong? Surely if she'd been injured whilst away she would confide in him about it? Maybe she met someone over there? Maybe he did this to her? Maybe she's trying to break the fall for him? As every thought possible ran through his head he realised she was beginning to stir. He got up and walked away before looking back at her once more. He wasn't quite sure what to think at that moment so decided not to think about it at all. He went and placed some left over lasagna in the microwave, pressing the timings for it to defrost. Grabbing a glass from the cupboard he went to get some water, but after a few sips he realised he needed something stronger. He dumped the remaining water down the drain and grabbed a beer from the fridge. That's when it hit him. She was in a hurry to get away from the phone today and she was being very secretive. This thing he felt wasn't ordinary either so she must be. She couldn't, she wouldn't? But what was the other explanation for this thing?
What caused this bump?
So Robin thinks something up since Regina has a new found problem? Do you think Emma saw everything or nothing? What the hells happening with Henry and who is not wanting Regina to know? Comment what you think!


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