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Chapter Ten--- Smaug

When the door must have only been an outline in the dwarf's view, Balin left us with a "Good luck."

I watched Bilbo slip on his ring with a disapproving look, I still thought it was the ring, even though Legolas was convinced it wasn't.

He disappeared from my sight, and a smile formed on my face, I was going to use this as an opportunity to learn to use the powers Elrond told me I had.

"Amin quella," I muttered under my breath. An Old World spell to turn you invisible.

"Wooh, where did you go?" Bilbo asked.

I smiled, it worked. I could practically make myself invisible. What else could I do with these new found powers?

"No where," I answered. "Don't worry, I'm still here. Now come on, who knows how much father we have to climb down."

That was the one thing I hadn't told anyone, even Legolas. He would probably kill me later for not telling him that I have better and more powers than most elves, but I could deal with that.

And with that, we descensded deeper into the darkness. We went on and on and on until we couldn't see the door at all and we both left utterly alone.

At last we came upon a slight glow, and our spirits grew higher. The closer we tracked to it, the brighter it got, and the hotter it got in the tunnel. It was undoubtably the red light of Smaug.

We finally made it to the end of the passageway, and my eyes widened at the sight in front of me. It was undoubtably the hallways of the dwarfs of Erebor, filled to bursting with gold and gems.

Then I saw him.

The terror.

The red-golden dragon.


Fast alseep I might add.

It was a beautiful sight, really. The dragon burried in mounds of gold and jewels. He was turned over just the right way that I could see his underbelly of gems and gold from sleeping in the mountain all those years.

My eyes scanned the whole hall, seeing what I could see. From a first glance, nothing. I thought.

I watched as a golden cup started floating in mid air, and I almost screamed. Bilbo. What was he doing?

The cup made its way back over to me, and I almost strangled the person holding it.

Bilbo you idiot! It's common knowledge that dragons know their loot down to the smallest coin. Smaug would notice the absense of the cup, and awake.

And that could not end well.

The cup started up the stairs again, and I followed, staying as close to the wall as I could. I didn't dare scold Bilbo yet, we were too close to the dragon to be talking yet.

Bilbo took his ring off once we made it to Balin, and I willed myself to be seen again. He was overjoyed to see us, and picked up Bilbo and carried him the rest of the way.

I walked behind them, holding my tounge. I'd decided I wouldn't tell them about the dragon, it would only kill their well earned joy.

When we emerged it was midnight and the stars were out, and I snapped my fingers, growing back to my normal height. The dwarfs celebrated at our return, well, Bilbo's. I kept to the side, afraid I wouldn't be able to hold in the horrific news.

None of them noticed, of course. They were all too happy that Bilbo had returned with the cup. Except one.

"How was it?"

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