Ageless Time ||Zeno x Reader|| Hurt/Comfort

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To allainne: I decided to do a little experiment with this oneshot, trying a different style. Zeno is my favourite dragon by far, so I hope you like it!! :D


Countless years ago, in the time of the previous generation of the dragon warriors, a servant named (Y/N) served at Hiryuu castle. She was young, about 17 years old, and worked at the castle to help her family back in an old, poor village. The current king gladly welcomed her and provided her with much work.

One night in the castle, there was a great massacre and bloodshed. One guard after the other went ramped and began killing all in their sight. None knew what the cause of this was, whether it was sorcery or a pure change of heart. In a desperate attempt to escape, (Y/N) tried to make a run for it, out of the castle walls and away from danger. She was nearly lucky, but luck was not on her side, for she was soon shot down with an arrow in her upper back.

Two of the murderous guards dragged (Y/N) and her slowly dying body. Not wanting to make more of a commotion in the castle grounds than there already was, on their own accord, they took (Y/N) to a nearby cliff, and threw her into the freezing water far below where they stood.

The sudden sensation of the cold water caused (Y/N)'s body to go into a reflex, in which she would not breathe in the water, stopping her breathing and slowing her heartbeat. For three minutes (Y/N) was in this state, and by any means was to be claimed dead. However, a bolt of lightning lit up the entire sky, and struck the surrounding water of (Y/N)'s body. Through the water, many volts had been charged through her own freezing corpse.

The strike acted as a defibrillator, and her heart began beating again. (Y/N) was jolted awake and out of her death-like state, and instinctively yanked the arrow out of her back whilst her body was cold and numb. Seeking refuge or comfort, (Y/N) crawled out of the water and lay on her back looking upwards. Because of the lightning strike and the impossibility that she was still alive, her body was now immune to time itself; (Y/N) would never age again.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"(Y/N) dear? Dinner is ready~" the green dragon Jae-ha irritably sang in the tent, before he danced his way out again.

(Y/N) stretched and yawned as she began to wake up. After reliving her past like that for the nth time in a week, she gladly began to come back to reality. The group had been travelling for so long without break, that (Y/N) and Yun could not be any more exhausted. Everyone agreed they would stop and start preparing dinner, whilst (Y/N) had a nap.

(Y/N) walked out of her tent, and saw that everyone seemed well rested, almost energetic. Yun, Hak and Yona were cooking meat over a fire, and there appeared to be a tonne of it. (Y/N) was quite happy that they would be eating a decent meal for the first time in a long time.

"We can gorge ourselves tonight," Yun stated, looking at the masses of meat.

"Nice... we haven't had meat in a while." Hak was clearly looking excited over the food that was soon to be in his stomach. It wasn't long before (Y/N) caught sight of a stranger eating with the group. She silently shuffled back towards where the dragons were gathered, who were clearly discussing something.

"Hey uh, Kija? Who is that?" she asked, pointing directly to the yellow head.

"I'm not sure, maybe the princess knows?" With that in mind, (Y/N) went over to where the four people were sitting, and grabbed a stick of meat. She began to practically tear it apart, not realising how hungry she had been before.

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