Chapter 14 - The Mistake

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Levi p.o.v

Why did everything have to happen now? I was happy with my family; Eren and our two pups. The worst part was that nobody saw it coming - not even Pixis. And there he was lying on the ground covered in blood from trying to protect us all. Why does a beginning always have to have an ending? Everything was fucked up and the worst part of it was - I couldn't find Eren or our pup.

4 hours earlier

After Eren gave birth and feed our pups, he fell into a deep slumber and changed back into human form. The day passed fast and our pups were already a day old without Eren giving a sign about waking up. I was sitting inside Eren's room with Alanya and Christian in my arms. They both feel asleep after me using hours just sitting and petting them, waiting for their mother to wake up.

The bed began to shake and when I raised my head, my eyes meet with the green-blue orbs that I have been dying to see for the last 24 hours.

E = "Hey."

L = "Hey Beautiful."

I saw that Eren's eyes fell upon what was in my arms and a smile made a way to his face. He tried to get up, but failed and sat on the bed with a pout on his face. I chuckled at his cute behavior and brought myself and our pups over to the bed.

Eren looked at them with so much love and I began to wonder how I looked at Eren and our pups. Looking at me, Eren could see that I was thinking about something and that I was really bothered by it.

E = "What's wrong?"

L = "... This is probably stupid, but when I see you looking at me and our pups with so much love.... I was wondering... If I did the same?"

Bowing my head being embarrassed about my question, I feel Eren's hand lift my chin to make me look into his gorgeous eyes and a beautiful smile upon his face.

E = "Levi. I have never seen another person look at someone with as much love as you do. I love you and that will never change. Our pups will have the best father in the world who will shower them with love and never let them get hurt, even if we are separated then I know you will find us, because that is the person you are."

Eren's words brought me close to tears and I felt his lips touch mine - the sparkles ran through my body and I never felt more loved. I wish how this moment would never end.

3-person p.o.v

H = "I have gotten information about Eren Jaeger. He has given birth to twins; a boy and a girl, which is absolutely perfect. Get everyone together. We are moving out in 5!

Levi p.o.v

As I laid down snuggled into Eren with our pups, I heard a loud bang - like a shot was fired and screams began to follow.

I quickly sat up and looked down at Eren who was sitting with our pups looking scared. After assuring him that everything was going to be alright, I mind-linked Pixis.

L = "Pixis, what is going on?!"

P = "The hunters are attacking. Get Eren and your pups somewhere safe!"

I looked at Eren and explained the situation. We ran out of the door down to the basement, where I hid Eren and our now awake pups. When I was about to go help the others an amazing thing happened - Alanya and Christian opened their eyes. Christian had Eren's striking blue and green orbs while Alanya had my grey ones. Our pups were simply perfect along with my mate.

L = "Eren stay here with our pups. I promise, I will come and get you after. I love you."

I ran out of the basement, but not before hearing Eren saying 'I love you too - always'. When I got out of the house everywhere were chaos. I saw wolves fighting the hunters and wolf form and some in human. I scanned the lawn and chose the first target. Shifting in mind air and running towards the hunter who didn't have enough time to react, I snapped his neck. I kept going until there weren't any hunters left. Something is wrong and I could feel it - this was not all. Realization hit me and I ran as fast as my legs could carry me down the basement. What I was fearing came into reality - Eren was gone and so was our pups. I was about to run out of the basement, when I heard a small whimper.

I went to the place where I had hidden Eren and found Christian on the floor, but no sign of Alanya - they must have taken her too. I bend down and put him into my embrace. Christian immediately stopped whimpering and snuggled closer.

Feeling the anger die down a little, I walked up the basement to see who was let. That's when I spotted Pixis lying on the ground. I ran towards him and checked his heartbeat - Fortunately he still had one and I called Historia. I left Christian with Historia as I had gotten hold of Eren's scent moving further away. I shifted and took off.

'I will show you, what you said was correct - I will find you and our pup and bring you home. Just wait Eren, I'm coming even if it's the last thing I do!'

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