Chapter 7 - The Truth

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3-person p.o.v

A week has gone by since Eren was attacked. By a slim chance he survived, but has yet to gain consciousness. Mikasa had after the incident been trying to make Pixis tell her what was going on. Pixis had given the same answer each time: "Wait till Eren wakes up." Mikasa was frustrated, but didn't leave Eren's side in case he woke up.

Armin walked into Eren's room in the hospital to find Mikasa sleeping at his bed side. Armin smiled sadly and looked at his best friend who was still in coma. After finding a carpet for Mikasa, he walked out of the room and saw Historia walking down the hall.

A = "Hello Historia."

H = "Hey Armin. Visiting Eren?"

A = "Yes. Are there any changes?"

H = "No, I'm afraid not. I removed all the silver in his bloodstream. He had some internal bleeding, but it is all healed now. Luckily Eren's ability to heal is incredible. As to why he isn't waking up, I cannot answer, but I am sure he will wake up one of these days or the damage was greater than we thought."

Seeing Armin's face get sadder, Historia felt she had said something wrong.

H = "But I'm sure he is fine. Eren won't go down that easy."

Historia gave Armin a reassuring smile. Armin felt better and shook some of the sadness away. He had to stay positive for Eren and Mikasa's sake!

A = "You are right. Thank you."

Historia continued strolling down the hall when they heard a scream. They both ran to Eren's room and saw that he was awake and figured it was Mikasa's scream that had heard.

M = "Eren! You are awake!"

Eren smiled at his friends, but his face was a deadly pale. Historia hurried over to his side and took the necessary measures. She then sighed and looked relieved. Historia stormed out of the door to inform Pixis of Eren awakening. Soon after that Pixis stormed inside the room and a tear fell, when he saw Eren looking at him. Pixis had never been happier, but knew that this was the time to explain the truth to the three friends.

P = "Well I guess it's time I told you the truth."

Eren p.o.v

I was happy that all of my friends was beside me, when I woke up. It really meant a lot to me. Soon after I awakened Pixis stormed inside the room and I clearly saw a tear fall from his eyes. That was the first time I had seen him cry... I was about to say something, but was interrupted by Pixis.

P = "Well I guess it's time I told you the truth."

We all looked at him with confused looks. 'The truth? What is he talking about?'.

Seeing as I couldn't move, Mikasa, Armin and Pixis found some chairs and sat down inside the room. For the first time after I woke up, I looked around. 'This isn't my house. How long have I been here?' I tried to speech, when I realized I couldn't. My throat was so dry that I began coughing drily. My body felt heavy and a sharp pain came from my back. Everyone turned around to discover how much I was hurting. Historia ran to the side of my bed and found a needle. She pushed the needle into my arm and pressed the content into my arm. After a while the pain subsided and I began to relax.

H = "Eren. I'm going to take a sample of your blood just to be sure there isn't anything wrong."

I nodded sleepily at her and looked at Pixis, who understood my stare.

P = "Well Eren is tired. Let's talk about this when he wakes up again, then we can also get the blood sample discussed."

Everyone nodded and left the room except for Mikasa. She walked to his bedside and gave him something to drink, so he could clear up his throat. After drinking a whole glass Mikasa smiled. I could see the worry in her eyes, but couldn't stay awake. Before falling to sleep, I felt Mikasa kiss my forehead.

M = "Eren. You have been here for a week. This is the hospital. I thought you might want to know."

I wanted to say thank you, but the darkness grabbed a hold of me. 'I didn't die.... Levi, I'm sorry for not keeping my promise.......'


Pixis p.o.v

Eren hadn't woken again after the first time. This gave me time to think about how, I should tell them what was going on. While I was staring out of the window in my office, I heard a knock.

P = "Come in."

The door opened and I saw how Historia hesitated to enter the room. 'What could be wrong?'

P = "Historia, what brings you here? Has Eren woken up?"

H = "No. Well I ... Umm ... I wanted to talk to you about something."

'What did she want to talk about and why does she look so uneasy?' I suddenly had a bad feeling.

P = "Yes. What is it?"

I tried to sound as confident as I could without showing my fright.

H = "I believe you remember the blood sample I took from Eren right? Um... It said something strange..."

P = "What do you mean strange?"

H = "Well.... It said that he was..."

P = "Come on Historia, I don't have all day"

I could feel rage starting to form. 'Couldn't she just say it already?! Why could be so stran-'

H = "Eren is pregnant!"

'-ge ... WHAT?! She just said Eren was pregnant. Well I did know it could happen - that was what made him special, but seriously?!' I just stared at Historia and didn't know what to say...

H = "Maybe I made a mistake, I will check again."

P = "No, Historia wait."

I exhaled and tried to get my thoughts under control. 'Should I tell her the truth?' I wondered about another way around it, but couldn't find one.

P = "You didn't make a mistake. Eren is the only male that can give birth to children. I hope you didn't tell anyone else, because I'm supposed to talk with Eren, Mikasa and Armin about his past when he wakes up."

H = "Okay sir, I didn't tell anyone."

P = "Good. Let's keep it that way."

Historia walked out of my office and I sighed, well at least now I know what Eren have been doing every night for approximately the last 4 months.

'We have to keep this a secret or the hunters and the other pack either wants him dead or to kidnap him. We have to isolate him until he gives birth, but who could the father be?'

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