Logical Explinations

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Hey hope you like this one.


PS.I am dedicating a chapter to each of my fans.


Hours later, a drained Joe arrived at Brighton Road. He hopped out of the taxi, handed the driver some money and set of down the street. It was the Summer Holidays, so Steve should be at home. 

Sure enough, when Joe arrived outside of his house, Steve's bedroom window was open, music blaring. Joe called for Steve, but when he didn't respond, he realised that he couldn't hear him over the sound of the music. Joe walked forward and knocked on the door. Steve's mother opened the door. Her dark hair was tied up a constricted bun and her almond eyes were centered precisely in the middle of her rectangular head. She was wearing a delicate indigo dress, adorned with fine silvery buttons, that made her crystal like earings more noticable than usual.

"Hello?" she poked her head around the sides of the door, checking if anyone was accompanying Joe.

"Hello Mrs Kiston, is Steve in?"

Mrs Kiston looked at him in a confused mannor, "Why, who are you?"

Now Joe was the one to be confused, "It's me, Joe Granger..."

"No idea who you are, but then Steve does keep his friends quite personal," she looked to the sky as daydreaming, "Well, I guess if if your Steve's friend, go straight up" she let Joe in, "Up the stairs, first door on the-"

Joe cut her off, "I know thank you, I was here last night."

"No, no you weren't, Steve was on his own last night."

Joe looked confused, "I can assure you Mrs-"

"I'm not arguing with you, now, upstairs if you want to see him, go on!"

"Okay, thank you." Joe jogged up the stairs and turned left into Steve's room.

Harry Mastertone was sitting at Steve's computer, surfing the web. Steve was changing the track.

"Hey guys," Joe went and sat on Steve's bed.

They both froze and looked at him like he was some sort of stranger.

"I want to talk to you about last night Steve, with the masked guy."

"How d'you know my name?"

"We've been friends since Year One, of course I know your name,"

"Look, I don't know who you are, or how you know my name, but get the hell out of my house or I'll call the police!" Steve screamed, brushing his hand through his fine auburn hair.

"What?" Joe stood up, "Come on, Harry, do you remember me?"

"No..." Harry shook his head in a bewildered fashion.

"Look, if this is a prank, its not funny guys..." Joe yelled as he felt Steve's firm hands shove him out of the room.

What the heck had just happened?

Joe made his way downstairs, "Thanks for everything Mrs Kiston," he shouted as he left the house swiftly.

Once he was outside, he sat down with his back against a brick wall, Why doesn't any one remember me? he thought to himself. Slowly, he slipped his hand into his pocket, thank fully he'd remembered to pick his phone up from the hotel. He looked for his Dad's number. When he found it, he clicked the green symbol and began to ring his father:

The phone was ringing, but there wasn't any reply. Joe decided to give it another minute, but was cut off by a long beeping sound, followed by the voice of the customer service woman:

"Error: This phone is unable to make any phone calls as your number has either been suspended or is not a valid. Sorry for any inconvenience." the woman hung up.

There was a pattern here:

No one remembered him, his phone number was invalid.

There were two logical explinations:

1) The Masked One had erased the memories of all his loved one's and suspended his phone number.

2) He didn't exist...


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2011 ⏰

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