Designated Driver or Designated Mom

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"A party?" My mother asks.

I nod, pulling myself up to sit on the counter. "Yeah, Lucas invited, and I checked to make sure that Paisley is gonna go and she is."

"If Paisley's going, doesn't that mean Matthew is?" She asked skeptically.

"Yes, it probably means Matt's going, and if Matt's going I'm pretty sure the team is going to. I am trusting you with this, which means you better not tell dad."

My mom gave me a look, but nodded, meaning she'd let me go and not say a word. So now it was a matter of what I was going to wear to the game and to the party. I had called Paisley and Gemma, and we had a long talk on the phone about what to do. Paisley says the parties are casual dressing, that she'd just stay in her cheer uniform the whole time because there was no point to change.

Friday morning I went to school in leggings and a shirt that represents the school. The day went by fast and now we were back at the house, where my brothers were grabbing their bags to head to the game.

"Hunter," I said, walking into his room and sitting on the edge of his bed. He was running around his room collecting some things. "Can I wear your sophomore varsity hoodie? I don't really have a good jacket that has the colors and stuff on it."

Hunter grabbed the hoodie from his closet and threw it at me. "Do you want a jersey to put over it? You can always wear McHaven's," Hunter said shooting me a grin. I flipped him off and got up, walking in to my room. "If you want a ride be ready in five!" Hunter called after me.

I pulled on a pair of dark wash, boot cut jeans, threw on a Tracy Hitters t-shirt, and then my brothers hoodie over it. I pulled on my white converse and jogged downstairs to meet my brothers.

"No drinking at the party, strict rules, baby sister." Dierks stated while he ruffled my hair. We jumped into Hunter's car and again they went on about how it isn't a good idea for me to go, that they were worried I'd get caught up with a boy or drink too much. I reassured them neither of those things were going to happen.

When we got off the car, I kissed my brothers on the cheek, wished them good luck, and of course they told me to be careful. Although my brothers are extreme pains in my ass, they could be wonderful at times too, and I was at least glad they cared enough to worry.

I walked into my game, paid my six dollars for a ticket, and went to the stands to meet my friends.

"Maggie G!" Gemma called, laughing as she did.

Gemma was surrounded by some of our other friends, and their boyfriends. I walked over to her, glancing up at all of them. I was gonna open my mouth to say hey, but then they started the Star Spangled Banner and that's when I turned to listen. I waited until it was over to speak, sighing as I allowed a smile to appear on my lips.

"Hey, G," I said, pulling myself up under the bar to sit with them.

"You excited to see your brothers play?" She asked, but before I could answer she kept talking. "Shocked to hear you're going to the party tonight? Is everything all right?" She asked again, jokingly.

"I know it's not really my scene, but it wouldn't hurt to shake things up, right?" I say, turning my head and cheering loudly with the crowd as the team asked out. Lucas was leading them out, and when he raised the hand he was carrying his helmet in, the crowd erupted into yells again.

The game was great, we ended up winning. Both my brothers scored their own touchdowns too. Everyone was high on adrenaline when we arrived at the party. I didn't change, no one did, obviously. The boys were the only ones who changed, their hair wet from either sweat or the showers they took in the locker room.

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