Snitches Get Stitches

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"There's my girl," Coach Bryant, or y'know my dad, says as he kisses me on the forehead. "I got a job for you, and if you do it correct I'll give you twenty bucks."

I roll my eyes, crossing my arms and try to speak quiet enough so I can speak sort of privately. "What is it?"

"See me in a minute," he begins as he turns back to his team. "I understand that there was some big party a few of my boys showed up to last Friday."

Everyone exchanged looks, and Matthew Moore looked directly into my eyes. I clenched my jaw. I knew exactly what he was thinking, he probably thought I went home and snitched to my dad that he'd been drinking. I didn't, I'm not a snitch.

"You know what that costs you?" My dad asks. The team looks around, most of them looking to Hunter. "Twenty laps around the track let's go!" He shouts.

Every four laps is one mile, so they were about to run five miles while I was given dirty looks by my brothers and Matt. I followed my dad to the bench, sitting down with a frown.

"How'd you find out about the party?" I asked as I reached for his clipboard.

"Paisley Moore," he says while watching the boys get close to finishing their first lap. "Her and a few other cheerleaders were talking about some party in the hall, and she went on about her brother went home drunk. I was right next to them talking with that one English teacher of Hunter's, I don't think she realized it was me."

I nodded, pursing my lips. Honestly, if Matt were to find out that somehow his sister ratted him out he would be pissed. Even if Paisley didn't mean to they'd all hate her, and then they'd hate Matt being the cause of it. I stayed silent as my dad explained the job to me, which was just transferring names to a separate sheet of paper.

After practice was over I was expecting a ride home from Paisley, so I was leaning on the front of her Nissan. I had nothing better to do, so I began to read the book that I should be one hundred pages in but haven't started.

"What the hell, Magnolia?" Hunter said as he approached me, Matt by his side with crossed arms.

"What do you want?" I hissed, knowing whats going to happen next.

He laughed, throwing his hands up before back down. "You know exactly what I'm talking about, you told dad about the party."

I looked at Hunter and then at Matt, shaking my head before letting out a laugh. I looked specifically at Matt once I spoke. "Now where did you get this false information, Matthew?"

Hunter looked at Matt, shaking his head and raising his voice. "He didn't, I knew it. It's not false information, you're the only one who would even consider ratting me out. What, you want to drive my truck for a month while I'm locked in my room?"

"Dad overheard his sister talking about it in the hall!" I shouted as I pointed at Matt. "Thanks for having no faith in me whatsoever, Hunter. I'm not a freakin' snitch."

Hunter was quiet for a moment before turning his attention to Matt who was uncomfortable. I knew he was embarrassed now. I turned around to see Paisley approaching me with her cheer bag, and she even had an angry expression.

"You're blaming me for this, Maggie?" Paisley said with a harsh look. "I don't even remember talking about it to anyone, yet alone your-" she hesitated, biting her lip. "Fuck," she muttered. "Matt, I'm sorry, it was me, he was near me when I was complaining to Hallie about you being intoxicated. I didn't notice, fuck." She said again.

Matt began to yell at her, and she yelled back louder, then Hunter told the both of them to shut up. I glared at my brother before storming in the other direction, shoving my book in my backpack with a groan.

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