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"Where did you go? We were so worried about you." my father scolded

It was eight in the morning and I had a serious hangover. I spent the night at Ashli's and we had a very hard drinking session to ease the tension. That was the first time I drank in months and a more than a little too much. I just wanted to rest and throw up a few times before actually holding a conversation with anyone, let alone get into an argument with my dad.

My brothers were still here, waking up on the couches from the sound of my dad's voice. I could hear Jake on his way up the stairs and Grace opening up her door. All the sounds took forceful blows to my head creating the worst headache ever.

I stumbled back onto the door to collect my balance and leaned my head against the door to calm my pounding head. I was preparing myself for the stares, questions, and the constant nodding I would be doing as if I would be paying attention.

"I went to a friend's house." I said quietly

I was in last night's clothes, at least they were clean. I was able to wash my clothes at Ashli's while she leant me some pajamas.

I watched his lips move but I was trying to block out the sounds to avoid my headache.

What's today?

Monday. Crap I missed school, well I could still go, but I'm choosing not to. I mean who would with this a nasty hangover.

I forgot to nod my head. When I focused my view back to the room, I noticed that everyone was staring at me. He asked me a question and I didn't even know it.

"What?" I asked

"You're not even listening." he said seriously

He went on talking and lecturing again.

I wonder what Darius is doing without my existence?

I slid my body down against the door losing my ability to stand on my own. The headache grew worst so I closed my eyes which was a terrible idea. I could feel the vomit creeping up my esophagus, threatening to exit my mouth. The room was spinning and I was praying that if made it out of this, I would never drink again.

I thought I was dying when I floated in the air. I opened my eyes and noticed that I was being carried bridal style by Jake. He took me downstairs and carried me into his room. He placed me gently on his bed before taking off my shoes and placing the covers over my body. I saw him place his trash can next to the bed before drifting off.

It was then that I snapped back into reality. My father was still scolding me and I was still on the floor looking out of it.

I shouldn't have came home. I should've just ran away or just stayed out for a few more days. Maybe I should've went to school.

I saw my dad's mouth stop moving and assumed he was done. I picked myself slowly off the ground trying to not upset my stomach or my head.

"Were you listening?"

"Yea. You were really worried about me-all of you were and I shouldn't just storm out without any protection. I should be more considerate about you guys' feelings and I should've called before and after I left mom's house. I am truly sorry for my selfishness" I guessed

My dad at me for awhile, looking deep into my red, dilated pupils.

"Why are your eyes red?" he asked

"Didn't really get any sleep last night." I lied

I could see Jake stiffen out of the corner of my eye. What was up with him?

"May I go to my room now?" I asked

My dad nodded and I tried very hard to walk without stumbling. This act made me stand and walk weird with my legs nearly crossed when I walked. I quickly made my way downstairs and into my room. I took off my own shoes and face planted with my pillow.


They were waiting for her to get back--I was waiting for her to get back. I hoped she was okay and that she would make it in one peace back home, but as the hours passed on, I was beginning to lose faith and grew worried about her whereabouts.

She finally came through the front door at eight and quickly walked up the stairs to make sure she was in one piece.

When I approached the top of the stairs, I saw her looking tired.

She was having a hard time balancing and eventually leaned against the wall. She didn't look hurt but she looked out of it, as her father lectured her about her selfishness.

"Where did you go? We were so worried about you." he asked

"I went to a friend's house." she answered

Which friend? I wonder was it Ashli or was it Darius.

She was wearing the same clothes from last night, but they didn't look dirty.

I wonder where her brain was in this moment? Was she drunk? Why couldn't she stand up straight?

After her lecture that I was barely listening to she staggered towards the stairs. She walked as if she was in pain.

Pain? No, she couldn't have. She didn't go to Darius' last night and do what I think she did. If it was Ashli's house she went over, wouldn't she have said it instead of leading us, no me on with a 'friend's house'.

I was sad that she let something so precious and priceless go so quickly but then I grew angry with her stupidity.

How could she and with him?

I mean I knew I wouldn't do it and she was a little upset, but this-this doesn't make any sense. She gives it away to a boy she barely met.

I headed downstairs and into my room before slamming my door. Why should I care what she does with her virginity?

Its not like I'm jealous, I mean why do I need to be jealous? She's just a teenage girl with a lot of problems and I get paid to protect her, not fall in love with her.

I flop onto my bed looking up at the ceiling. I put my heads behind my head, thinking of her and us.

Who was I kidding? I'm protective of this girl and its not because of my job.

She may be younger than me and real naiive but there is something about her.

This explains my hatred towards Snake and Darius and why I've been a little depressed that she hasn't spent time with me since she started school.

I didn't see her as a girlfriend or as just as a friend, but a little sister that I needed to protect.

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