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Rip, Aunt Grace, and I were eating dinner. She made chicken breast, green beans, and white rice. It was good, but I wasn't that hungry. I was thinking about my brothers and Ashli. I even thought about John which made me sad again. I wish Aaron was here to make me laugh, but instead I lost my appetite.

"Are you okay?" Grace asked

"Yea, I'm not that hungry." I replied

I excused myself and put my plate in the refrigerator, knowing I would be hungry later. I went downstairs to my room and played my ipod on the radio while I finished packing. I did my clothes last so I could explore my new closet. I put John's old jacket in the back so I wouldn't have to look at it. I was putting some pictures on my dresser when one dropped face down on the ground. I picked it up and turned it over to see John and I kissing. I rubbed my thumb over it and some tears spilled on the photo.

"Are you okay?" Jake's voice startled me

"Yea," I said while wiping my eyes with my hands

"I'm fine." I turned around to face him

He walked towards me.

"What are you looking at?" he asked

"Nothing. Just some pictures of old friends." I half lied

He tried grabbing the picture, but I held on tight obviously putting in more effort. We fought for dominance without tearing out eyes away from each other.

"Let it go." I commanded

"Let me see it." He countered

"Why?" I asked

"Because I want to." He said

I was being childish, but so was he. I decided to be the bigger person and let it go. He glanced at it, then I snatched it back when I felt he looked at it long enough. I ripped it to pieces then trashed it.

"Happy, now?" I asked rhetorically

"How long were you guys together?" he asked

"Too long." I answered

"What happened?" he asked

"You ask a lot of questions." I mocked

He flashed a beautiful grin.

"How old are you?" I asked

"Old enough." He said

I shook my head with a smile.

"So how does this bodyguard thing work?" I asked

"I follow you wherever you go, at a reasonable distance, of course." He answered

"What about when school starts?" I asked

"I'm going with you." He stated

"Wouldn't it be suspicious that you're always following me?" I asked

"I'll have every class with you and at lunch, I'll sit away from you." He said

"What about when people ask why we drive together?" I asked

"We're friends." He simply said

"But, if you sit at a different table, all by yourself, then that would be weird." I responded

"Well if you want me to sit by you," he moved closer so we were touching, "then I will." 

He was tall, very tall compared to my 5'8 stature. He was at least 6'4. I looked up at him as my breath hitched in my throat. His brown eyes reflected a cold stare filled with so much hatred, but it wasn't towards me, but to the whole world. I wanted to know what made him this way.

"How old are you?" I asked again

"Older than you." He stated

"If I guess right, will you tell me?" I asked

"Maybe." He shrugged

"18?" I guessed

"Maybe." He shrugged

"Does that mean I'm close?" I asked

"Maybe, maybe not." He said

"You're such a cheater." I accused

"I never agreed to this game." He smirked

"You agreed when you took this job." I said

He laughed and tapped my nose with his index finger

"Cute." He said

"Don't call me cute." I growled

"Aww, is someone getting upset?" he teased

"Shut up!" I tried punching him in the shoulder

He grabbed my fist instead, so I tried punching him with the hand and he grabbed that one too. He turned me around so my back was towards him. He had my arms crossed against my chest.

"Let me go." I struggled

"You're too slow." He held on tighter

"My wrists hurt." I complained

"You can get out. Open your palms and force them downwards." He instructed

I did what I was told and was released. 

"I did it! Thanks." I cheered rubbing my wrists

"No problem." He said leaving

As soon as he left, I realized I was alone again. I began to replay our whole scene in my head. Now thinking about it, I could still feel his warmth, his cool breath against my neck that gave me chills. I continued to rub my wrists, feeling his small imprint there. Why did my bodyguard have to be so cute?

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