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"Can you go to the store, please?" Grace asked Jake

"Sure." He said

It's been two days since my argument with my brother. When we got back they were gone and we were stoned. Dad called to try and get me and Andy to talk but that hasn't worked so far.

Grace was making this family recipe of some sort of stew. She said it would take hours to make from scratch that's why she started tonight. By tomorrow afternoon , she said it should be ready.

Jake and I were in the rec. room. He was working out while I was texting Snake. We've become friends since that night we met. He's...fun I guess is the word.

"Do you want me to go with you ?" I asked

"No, you should be fine."


Snake texted me the address to this rave party for the night. When Jake gets back, I would have him take me. In the meantime, I went to pick out an outfit and get dressed. I threw on a red long sleeved shirt with a black skirt and black leggings. I wore my new combat boots to complete the outfit. By the time I put on my make-up, Jake was back. He walked in my room and looked at me with a bored look.

"Where are we going tonight?" he asked

"Rave party."

"Don't you need a precise location for those?"

"I got it."



"Of course." He said with a twisted look


"Of him? Never."

"Why is it every time I say his name, you look a certain way?"

"No I don't." he argued

"Yes, you do. You just did it a second ago."

"No I didn't."

"You're in denial."

"No I'm not."

"Whatever, let's go."

We got into the car and drove another long trip out of town. Once we found a parking spot in the crowded area, I text Snake and told him I was here.

"Don't run off." Jake told me

"I thought there were no rules?"

"There aren't, except for raves. People get drugged and raped at these things, you have to be careful" He instructed

"Don't run off, take drinks or drugs from strangers, anything else?"

"Don't pass out anywhere."

"Okay." I nodded

I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared. I mean I knew what happened at these things, but to be so close and Jake's warning just gave off this eerie feeling. We got out the car and I saw a drunk person passed out on the ground. The place was inside of a warehouse, in the middle of nowhere. Who owned this, I don't know.

We went inside and the place was too crowded to move through. I grabbed Jake's hand feeling little sparks, but I ignored them. It was going to be easy to get lost in this place and I grew nervous again.

"You okay?" Jake asked

"Yea, I think so." I nodded

"Whenever you want to leave, just say it." He said


There were colored lights everywhere and the music was way too loud. I saw people taking ecstasy and other drugs. There was alcohol everywhere, but I didn't trust any of the drinks. This is no fun. I've been cautious since I got here and I'm afraid to take or drink anything. I was about to tell Jake that I was ready to leave until a big crowd rushed through to get to the DJ. My grip on his hand tightened until the crown pushed through and separated us. I was looking around for him, but I was too short to see anything. It would be pointless to call out his name, he wouldn't be able to hear me, and I couldn't hear myself.

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