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As I stepped into the cold bath my muscles relaxed and my mind cleared. I was in my bra and underwear taking an ice cold bath. I took buckets of ice and poured them in the tub. It felt natural to take chilling baths versus warm ones. I leaned my head against the wall and closed my eyes.

Jake walked in the bathroom and I ignored him. He grabbed a face towel and wiped my face with it.

"I really am sorry."


He crushed his lips to mines and I couldn't help but kiss him back. He picked me up from my ice bath bridal style with my arms around his neck, still kissing me. He carried me out of the bathroom and into his room. He laid me on the bed before pulling away for air.

"You're so cold." he panted

"Warm me up." I smirked

He smiled back before continuing his lips on my lips then moved to my neck. I moaned as I grabbed his hair. He took off his shirt and I felt his chest. His lips trailed down to my chest then-

I opened my eyes to see I was still in the tub, in the bathroom, by myself. I must've dozed off and had a stupid dream about stupid Jake. I could never forgive him so quickly, no matter how hard his chocolate eyes bore into mine or how his cheeky smile makes me melt.

Why is it I can't stop thinking about him? He kidnapped me and imprisoned me. He tortured me and scarred me for life. How could I forgive him?

Most of the ice melted and it was water by now. I dunked my head in and soaked for a while. I got out and drained the tub. I turned on the shower to cold and stripped before getting in the shower and washing up.

My body wasn't as sore as it should be since I took the ice bath. Jake's been working me all day every day, teaching me to shoot, aim, and hold a gun. I've been learning the parts of guns, the history, the best, and the worst. He was right, it wasn't as easy as it looked. But of course, I wouldn't tell him that. The only reason I was learning this was because my torture would all be for nothing.

I decided to take a nap before dinner. Since I came back, I've been eating three times a day and some snacks in between. Jake watches me with a hidden smile while I eat, probably knowing that he is the reason I eat healthy. Maybe I'll thank him properly when I'm not mad at him and that may be for a while.

When I walked into my room and put my clothes in the hamper, the door closed. I thought it would be Jake and was prepared to yell at him, but when I turned around it was Snake. My heart stopped beating and my jaw dropped. He was supposed to be dead. Jake said he killed him.

"Thought you could get rid of me?" he said

I was lost for words and my voice somehow disappeared. My mouth opened and I tried screaming Jake's name but no words came out. I backed up while he came forward. I kept retreating till I fell on my window seat.

"You're mine and always will be." He said hovering over me

I closed my eyes and opened them, hoping it was a dream that I could wake out of.

He quickly wrapped his monstrous hand around my neck and applied pressure to my throat.

"You didn't think I would find out about him kissing you. And of course, you kissed him back because you're in love with him." He growled

I began to thrash my arms around hitting him in the face and chest but his grasp just tightened. He began to shake my neck so my head was going back and forth.

"Stop! Let me go!" I managed to get out

"Sloane, wake up." A voice said

I quickly opened my eyes, breathing heavy and sweat all over me. It took me a while to process that I was in my bed and there was no Snake, but there was Jake. I pulled him into a hug, grateful he was there, but I quickly pushed him away.

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