The battlefield was bathed in electricity.. and before anybody knew it.. all three Furies were lying in a giant crackling crater.

"Impressive." said Darkseid in a deep voice, smiling slightly. "You could give a Kryptonian a run for it's money girl.."

"Really?" said Mikoto. "You actually think I can punch that hard?"


"Then.. tell me if this hurts.." Mikoto suddenly disappeared in a burst of speed.

"BOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!" Mikoto's lightning fist rammed right into Darkseid's chest, causing him to bend over, chocking. "Wha-wha!?"

"I'll.. take that.. as a yes.." Mikoto whispered, as a Hollow Mask began to form over her face.


"Exterminate.. Exterminate..." The metallic halls of the space ship were full of the robotic voices of cylinder shaped machines, with sight-scopes, and strange laser equipped robot arms, as they roved through the halls.

As the machines roved away.. a silver haired man wearing dark shades and a suit, holding a strange silver device called a Sonic Screwdriver, peaked out from behind a corner.. as he did.. The pink haired Dragon Slayer himself, Natsu Dragneel, and his cat partner Happy peeked out as well.

"Whoaaaaahhh... talking trashcans.." Natsu muttered.

"Those, 'trashcans' are Daleks.." said the man. "Their only interest is the mass genocide of every other race other then them."

"So.. you're.. name.. is it Doctor? Or are you A Doctor? Or what?" said Happy.

"I am.. THE Doctor." said Doctor Who.

"Natsu.. this weird old dude makes no sense." said Happy.

"This weird old dude can hear you!" said the Doctor, with a grunt. "Now.. we need a good well thought out plan.. perhaps, if I travel back in the Tardis, I can bring back a few tools that will-"

"KILL THE TRASH CANS!!!!" Natsu ran out into the hall, laughing as his body ignited into a blaze of glory.

"Extermin-no.. NOOOOO!!! AHHHHHH!!! IT BURNS!! THE HUMANITY!!!" All the Daleks in the hall screamed and yelled as Natsu blew them apart, whooping.

"What in space and time is he!?" The Doctor muttered.

"He's Natsu." said Happy with a shrug.

"YEAAAHHHHH!!!" Flames raged through the ship as Natsu finally took care of all the Daleks. "Now.. let's find that egg shall we?"

"Very well." said the Doctor. "Guess Clara will be sorry she missed this one."

Natsu opened one of the doors in the halls. In the room, was a running bathtub with a Dalek in it, holding a wash brush.

"Exfoliate, Exfoliate... hey! Privacy please you inferior race!"

"SORRY!" Natsu closed the door. "Eh.. okay! Next one.."

Natsu opened another door, to find a Dalek on a couch, watching an episode of Family Guy.

"Procrastinate!! Peter Griffin, you are hilarious, but I will exterminate you!! And Stewie Griffin, I swear I will have your time machine!!"

"Well.." the Doctor said, raising an eyebrow. "We learn new things every day.."


A Railgun In Fairy Tail, The Diablo Saga, Book 5: Inner Darkness.Where stories live. Discover now