Justin gets up and hands mom and I and envelope. "What is this?"mom asks. "You have to open it." Justin laughs.

We open it and inside are plane tickets and a paper that says . 'We are going on a ski trip!'

"We are going on a ski trip!?!?!" I yell. "Yup!" Justin says. "Thank you!" Mom and I say and hug Justin. "No problem. I knew you guys would be excited!" Justin says.

"Are you excited to go on a ski trip, Bella?" Mom asks in a baby voice. And Bella smiles.

"When do we leave?" I ask while looking at the tickets. "The day after New Years." Justin says. "Oh cool." I say.

After we are done chatting about the trip, we go and eat breakfast. Justin made omelettes and mom made my favorite blueberry muffins.

"Do you think we have enough food?" I ask sarcastically. "No I don't think so." Justin laughs.

As we eat, I notice mom keeps smiling at me.

"Why do you keep smiling at me?" I ask. "Because I'm your mother and I can." She says. "That's not why!" I say. "Yeah your right." Mom laughs. Then she just keeps eating.

"Mom! What is it?!?" I moan. "Nothing." She says. I let it go because I know my mom won't tell me.

She gets a text and picks up her phone. As she reads it, she smiles and shows Justin who winks at her.

"Are you gonna tell me that your pregnant again or something?" I ask. "No!" Mom laughs at my question. I roll my eyes and finish my last piece of food when I hear the door bell ring.

I look at mom with a questioning face. And she motions for me to go and open it. As I get up, Justin and mom follow closely behind me.

I open the door and I am kinda confused. It's my dad standing at the door with a couple of presents in his hand. Then Angelina and my siblings are standing all the way by our gate, in front of what seems to be a car, and just smiling at me.

"Merry Christmas!" Dad says and hugs me. I lightly hug him back with my eyes still focused on the rest of the Jolie-Pitts.

"Dad what the hell are they doing?" I ask and point to them. "Follow me and you will find out." Dad says taking my hand and leading me to the rest of the family.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS NICOLE!" They all yell. And look at the car then at me.

"Sorry but what are you trying to say here?" I laugh. "Well Angelina, Justin, your mom, and I all chipped in and got you your own car." Dad smiles.

"Oh my god! I'm so stupid!" I laugh. They all nod and laugh too. "Thank you so much guys!" I say. "Your welcome! I think it's safe to say that we all love you!" Mom says. And everyone nods. Even Angelina.

"We helped pick it out!" Vivienne says proud of herself. "Well I love it! Thank you!" I say. "Your welcome." She smiles.

It's a dark blue mustang. And I absolutely am falling in love with it.

"Is this why you were smiling at me and your phone when you got that text?" I ask. "Yeah because I knew you were gonna like it! And I was excited to see your reaction!" Mom says. "You know, that makes a lot of sense now." I laugh.

"Yeah she even asked me if I was pregnant because I kept smiling." Mom tells dad and Angelina. And they both find it hilarious.

After that we all went inside and all of the kids gave me my presents from them and from Brad and Angelina. Then I give the kids presents from me, and from Justin and mom. We like to get them presents because they give me presents all the time.

"Alright. Now go test drive your new car!" Angelina orders after we finish presents. "Okay!" I say as I run outside and into my new car.

The interior is all black and smells so new. I love it!

I get in and back out into the street where I drive around for awhile and return back to the drive way.

"You like it?" Justin asks. "Yes! It drives so smoothly." I say. "Well we are glad you like it." Angelina smiles. "Yup. Now I just need a baby car seat." I say.

All the adults lose there smile and look at me confused. "For Bella! So I can drive her around and take her places with me." I laugh. "Oh" all the adults laugh. "Did you guys think I was pregnant or something?" I ask. They all nod and laugh. "Well sorry. I got nothing in here." I laugh and point to my abdomen . "Good and it better stay that way." Dad says. "Trust me, it will." I laugh.

Soon after, all the Pitts leave. And it's back to just mom, Justin, Bella, and I.

"Good Christmas?" Mom asks. "Definitely!!" I say. When the doorbell rings yet again.

"Who the hell is that?" Mom asks and looks at us. Justin and I shrug. So mom gets up and opens the door.

"Daddy!!" I hear mom yell. I automatically know that it's grandpa. "Grandpa!!" I yell and run to the door and give him a huge hug.

"Merry Christmas girls!" Grandpa says. "And to you too, Justin." Grandpa says as Justin walks up behind us with Bella.

"Is that Bella?" Grandpa asks. "No that's a baby we adopted from my step mom, Angelina Jolie." I laugh and everyone laughs too. But that wasn't meant to be taken seriously. It was just a joke and I'm actually liking Angelina.

"Bella! Your so big!!" Grandpa says and tickles her. She laughs and puts her arms out. "Up?" She asks grandpa. He nods and holds her.

"Not that I don't want you here but why did you come over, daddy?" Mom asks. "Because it's Christmas and I want to see my family." He laughs. "Well that was a stupid question." Mom laughs.

"Where is Sherry?" I ask. "She went to visit her side of the family." Grandpa says. "Oh that makes sense." I say.

We chat for a little while and grandpa gives us presents and we give him presents too. And some to bring back for Sherry.

By the time he leaves, it's pretty late. Bella is already asleep and I'm tired too. I tell mom that I'm going to sleep and Justin and her say goodnight. I also wanted to get out of there because Justin started to get a little frisky with mom.  Which I found totally disgusting

But overall it was a great Christmas. And I learned that I love my family more that I thought.
Sorry for a really late update! I've been really busy but I hope you liked this chapter and the next updated will hopefully be on time. Thanks for reading! ~ Hailey <3

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