Xs-mas Party (Part 2)

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Elise's eyes started to panic, "what are you gonna do with her!"

"I won't just be her singer but she will be my violinist!" Mira said laughing then disappearing. Donna seemed to snap out of her trance and she put her hand to her forehead.

"Donna are you ok?" Elise said running fast toward her and wrapping her arms around her. Donna nodded that she was ok and fell asleep in her arms. I walked over when Elise stopped me. "Don't come near her! You've already caused enough damage!"

"Elise I'm sorry," I stammered but she interrupted.

"No! Never go near Donna, if I see you near her." Elise's eyes turned purple as she said these last few words. "I will kill you."

I ran away in terror. Elise had said mean things to me but nothing that life threatening. I just walked in my dorm avoiding looking at Mira. "Well well looks like I've stirred up quite a bit of chaos. Wouldn't you like to do the same?" Mira said looking at her finger nails as I looked thru my clothes.

"No!" I retorted.

"Don't you want revenge on Elise, to be powerful?" Mira said handing me the spell book. I looked at it longingly.

"No!" I retorted, but the real answer was I don't know.

"Whatever, your choice." She said like she had finished her work. I starred down at the book.

Finally it was time for the party. I wore black fishnet stockings on top of them I wore high waisted white shorts and a tube top with diamonds on it. I didn't wear my joker collar so I let my hair go free. I still had my gloves though. "Where are you going all fancy?" Mira asked looking up at me.

"A party you weren't invited to." I said smugly. She rolled her eyes and sat in a bean bag with a mirror pad. I walked out the door when I noticed the spell book. I looked at Mira then at the spell book. I grabbed it quickly so she wouldn't notice and then I ran out the door. Then I got a hex:

You ready to go yet? I'm waiting outside the school.

Oh it's just Lillith, I hexted back.

Yeah see ya in 5.

I walked out to see her dressed in a red cocktail dress with sparkles on it. She was wearing two corsages and high heels. "You ready?" She asked.

"Yeah? But isn't the party a little ways down?" I asked walking up to her.

"My friends are gonna drive us." Lillith smiled, almost like it was timed a slim red car pulled up with Whinnie and a boy and a girl I didn't recognize.

"Courtly, this is Riley Stiltskin daughter of Rumpelstiltskin." Whinnie said while I got into the back seat of the car.

Riley turned around from sitting in the front seat. "Hi! And this is Pearce Pan, my boyfriend." Riley said dreamily.

"Son of Peter Pan," Pearce said as he started to drive.

When we got into the club neon lights were everywhere and a lot of people were there. "We'll see ya." Riley said walking off hand and hand with her boyfriend.

"Ugh, there's Blondie reporting as usual." Whinnie said rolling her eyes. Whinnie and Blondie were enemies since their shows were the top ones in Ever After.

"Maybe you can find some drama," Lillith said "we are at a party."

"Ok well see ya." Whinnie said running off into the crowd.

"Ok everyone! Let's put on some real music!" Melody said starting to play some new music. As I was starting to have a good time Elise and Donna walked in.

"I got to go, thanks." I smiled at Lillith and started to run away ducking under people and around. BUMP!

"Courtly?" I gulped at the sound of Chase Redford's voice.

"I have to go!" I said pulling away but he held onto my hand.

"Let go of me." I muttered as I saw Donna and Elise approach closer on the dance floor unknowingly.

"You heard her, let go of her!" I heard Alistair say, then punch! Chase hit the floor. Crowds started gathering as Chase threw Alistair to the floor.

"Stop!" I yelled, but it was no use.

"Or should they?" I heard a voice say.

"Wha?" I looked down to see the spell book was glowing.

"Cause chaos." I heard it say evilly, a mist seemed to surround me. I felt like I was lifting.

"Help!" I cried, but my cries were no use as I was lifted farther away. I felt strange, as if I should obey evil. "No! Help me! Please! Please help me!" But there was to much magic, as I heard cause chaos I obeyed.

Thanks to:
@AutieIsAwsum for Liz Grimm
awesomemaniac for Jennifer Prince and Paige Piper
CandiceMay9 for Barker B. Wolf and Whinnie Feline and Lillith Princeton
WarriorsSunpelt for Cassie Redford and Donna Ray Charming
SapphireSnowQueen for Elise Queen
EverAfterMonster17 for Paisley Swan
@BlackCanary2014 for Shaun Duckling and Riley Stiltskin and Pearce Pan
Thanks for reading and if you want to add characters put them in the comments, make as many as you want. Have fun!

This diary belongs to: Courtly Jester (#EAHWattyAwards2016)Where stories live. Discover now