Music Competition?

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Thanks for the pic @EverAfterMonster17 it's her character also tell me if the pic is there.

Dec 16th 3:00

I decided to go listen to Donna's violin music, it seemed to calm me. As I walked down the hall in a mess of jumble I saw a poster. Violin Competition, for talented Violinist, will be placed on TV. I ripped the poster off the wall and started running faster then I could imagine. I gasped as I opened the door to the Muse-ic room.

"What did you think Paisley?" A girl said holding up the bow of the violin.

"Oh magnificent, I wish I could make something as beautiful as that. I wish I were beautiful." A girl said sighing, I was guessing her name was Paisley.

"Don't worry you are." The girl said patting her back.

"Oh, I'm sorry if I'm interrupting but I need to talk to Donna." Courtly said gasping.

"Oh, no problem you must be Courtly, Liz talks about you all the time." The girl with the violin said smiling.

"I'm Paisley and this is Paige." Paisley said smiling.

"Paige Piper, daughter of the pied piper." Paige said with a curtsie. I don't know how to spell it ok!

"Paisley Swan," Paisley sighed. "Daughter of the ugly duckling." She said looking at the ground awkwardly.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said looking down at the ground, they hadn't answered my question.

"Donna's in her dorm." Paige said making sure I didn't feel awkward.

"Thanks," I said walking away.

As I got to the dorm I knocked really hard. Elsie opened the door, she slitted her eyes. I saw Donna on her bed looking at a note. Then she looked at me. "What are you doing her joker?" Elsie said putting her weight against the door.

"I need to talk to Donna, not you frozen heart." I said disgusted.

"Go away!" Elsie said pulling back the door like she was going to slam it but Donna put her hand on Elsie's shoulder. "Fine! Waste your time with that loser!" Elsie said walking away in a fit. "See if I care!" She yelled as Donna closed the door behind her.

"I wanted to give you this." I said handing her the crumpled picture. Her eyes lit up. Yes.

"We'll go sign you up." I said walking down the hall, she followed. As we came close to the Muse-ic room we heard some violin music. Donna stopped, she raised her shoulders in a shrug and pointed in the room. "That's Paige Piper." I said as Donna's eyes lit up in surprise. "Let's go sign you up." I said dragging her arm.

As we looked at the list the only other name was Paige Piper. Donna smoke her head no. Then she wrote something down and handed it to me:

"If Paige Piper is on the list I'm gonna fail! There's no chance." I shook my head no as I said these words. "Oh please your amazing. I'm signing you up." She sighed as I signed her up.

"There you are Donna!" Elise said pulling Donna away.

"Why are you so clingy?" I asked not trying to chase after Donna.

"Why do you care?" Elise said turning around, I heard her silently whisper to Donna, "are you having an affair with her?"

As I walked to my dorm I saw that Elise and Donna's dorm was open. "I love you Donna, I'm sure your parents didn't leave you because of that." Elise said rocking Donna in her arms.

Thanks to:
@AutieIsAwsum for Liz Grimm
awesomemaniac for Paige Piper and Jennifer Prince
@queennightstalker for Barker B. Wolf and Lillith Princeton and Whinnie Feline
WarriorsSunpelt for Cassie Redford and Donna Ray
SapphireSnowQueen for Elise Queen
@EverAfterMonster17 for Paisley Swan
If you want to make a character put them down in the comments. Make as many as you want. Always have fun!

This diary belongs to: Courtly Jester (#EAHWattyAwards2016)Where stories live. Discover now