Every Little Thing Is Gonna Be Alright [Nouis]

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A.N.: I have to apologize because it’s not exactly what you asked for but I’m feeling super overloaded at this point so I just wanted to get this off my plate. Sorry again but I hope you like it anyways! 

Niall ran the doorbell for the umpteenth time, letting out a sigh and crossing his arms over his chest. Louis had been the one to tell him to come over so why wasn’t he answering the fucking door? Niall was just about to turn around and get back in his car when he heard the lock slide and the door swing open and he let out a snarl.

“About time, Lou. I-.” Niall stopped once he saw Louis’ condition and he openly gaped. Louis was wrapped up tight in a brown blanket, had it thrown over his head and knotted in his fists. His nose was rubbed red raw and his eyes were completely glazed over. “Oh, my god, Lou!” Niall squeaked, rushing over the threshold and shutting the front door to keep out the chill. “What happened?”

“I caught a cold or something.” Louis mumbled, wiping at his nose with a corner of the blanket.

“Oh, Lou.” Niall said, stepping forward to wrap his arms around Louis but Louis quickly shrugged him off and stumbled backwards.

“No, I don’t want you to get sick too. I don’t want to give you my cold.” Louis shook his head, stepping further back but he leaned against the wall as he nearly lost balance.

“Lou, stop being silly.” Niall said, wrapping his arms around Louis to help support him before he started guiding him down the hall. “I’m going to help you.”

“Kay,” Louis murmured, letting his full weight rest on Niall but Niall supported him easily. Niall led him to his bedroom and set him up under the sheets, dropping the dirty blanket onto the floor before he started to head out of the room. “Where’re you going?” Louis called out to him just as Niall reached the bedroom door.

“I’m gonna get you a cuppa and some other stuff.” Niall smiled at him and gestured for him to lie down again. “I’ll be right back.” Louis let himself fall back to nestle between the pillows and he let his eyes shut so Niall walked back to the kitchen to make some green tea for Louis. He also grabbed a thermometer from the medicine cabinet before he headed back after the tea was done moments later. Walking back into the room, Niall sat on the edge of the bed and handed Louis the cup of tea. “C’mon, drink up.”

Louis took it in grateful hands and, sitting up, he gulped it down slowly so as not to burn his tongue but the tea was relaxing to his sore throat. Niall shifted to sit behind him and he worked his hands over Louis’ scalp to soothe him and Louis just melted into him, putting his tea on the bedside table as he forgot it in exchange for the relaxation that Niall brought him.

“Alright?” Niall hummed after a moment, peeking to look at Louis’ face and Louis blushed and jerked away.

“Y-yeah, a lot better now, thanks.” As if on cue, Louis let out a wracking cough that sounded terrible to both their ears and Louis winced and muffled himself with the blanket.

“Oh, Lou,” Niall sighed, sliding from behind the brunette to grab the thermometer and he slid it between Louis’ lips to make sure he wasn’t too seriously sick that they didn’t have to rush to the hospital. He gestured for Louis to lie down and Louis did, settling between the pillows and clasping his hands on his stomach as they waited for two minutes to pass.

“It’s definitely high…” Niall mumbled, leaning in to see the raised temperature. “But it’s nothing bad.” Niall finally nodded and he sat on the edge of the bed again, waving away Louis’ wide eyed look. “It’s okay, Lou.” Niall said, plucking the thermometer out of Louis’s mouth before he placed the back of his free hand against Louis’ forehead just to make sure the thermometer wasn’t off. “You’re gonna be just fine.”

“You think?” Louis sniffled, grabbing a tissue to wipe at his nose.

“Yeah,” Niall dropped the thermometer into the discarded cup of tea on the dresser before he slid under the sheets. Louis shivered as a wave of chill ran over him so he curled up to Niall quickly, wrapping his arms around Niall’s waist. “Don’t worry.” Niall pressed a kiss to Louis’ forehead before he propped his chin onto of Louis’s head. “I’ll take care of you.”

A.N.: Feedback would be nice! Votes would be nice! (: You can leave a prompt on the first chapter but I might not take it. And please, not everything smut! As much as I love writing smut, I also like writing fluff and angst and I am honestly more likely to take those than the smut requests.

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