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My birthday was spent binging on chocolates and reading novels. Ginny sat with my poking my stomach.

"So, are you going to rid of it?" She asked.

"Sure thing." I grinned and poked my stomach and a few more tears went down my face.

Ginny sighed and stretched. She decided to skip the ball and stay with me, even though I was sobbing like a loser because I lost my stupid mate.

A mate I didn't want.

"If you didn't want me, then why did you even bother with me?" Dracos voice boomed in my head. I tuned him out and rolled onto my side, to grab more chocolate and another book so I could catch up on my homework.

"I swear to Merlin, if you touch another book, I'm leaving you here to rot."

"And I'll sit outside." Tonks added from her painting. I rolled my eyes and tossed the book aside.

"Well, what do you suppose we do?" I asked Ginny, sarcastically.

She grinned and rubbed her hands together. "Thought you'd never ask!" She reached into a bag and grabbed two pairs of shoes, two dresses and two jewelry sets.

"I'm not going there. No." I shook my head.

"Yes you are."

The portrait door locked with a click and I glared at Tonks. Her hair turned pink and she giggled. "Sorry, 'Mione. You're staying here to get dolled up!" She spun around and sat back down in her chair.

I narrowed my eyes at her and turned to Ginny. "You're horrible."

"I know I am, now go get in the bath quickly. We still have time." She ushered me into the prefects washroom through my bedroom door and the large bath tub that resembled a pool sat boiling. I frowned and started to undress. Obviously I wasn't getting out of this. Ginny would drag me out of this room, dressed or not. Might as well get dressed and look happy.

"You going?" Draco asked mentally.

"Thought you weren't talking to me." I dunked my body in the water and started to wash.

"I wasn't. And I still am not. Not until you promised you'll keep it." He mumbled in my head.

I shook my head and turned him out again to save him the misery.

Thirty minutes later I was dressed in a knee length navy blue dress that had sparkles embedded in the torso. It had a halter neck and I wore black and white high heels and my hair was in a bun, atop my head.

Ginny dragged me downstairs into the Great Hall where people were socializing and dancing. Teenagers and adults were laughing and joking and some were crying over the loss of their family members and friends who died in the war.

Fred was floating around and socializing with old friends and Mr and Mrs Weasley were in the corner trying to hold it together while they watched their pale, transparent son dance around with Haley and chat with a few others.

Ginny and I casually grabbed a few drinks, trying to blend in and not make it seem like we're an hour late.

Harry walked up to us while Ron was looking at me rather angrily.

"Thought you weren't coming?" He rose an eyebrow at me.

"Ginny dragged me." I brushed a strand of hair that fell out of its bun, behind my ear.

"Oh, pleasant." Harry looked to his girlfriend and took her arm. "Ron's not too pleased with the Malfoy situation."

"I wouldn't expect him to jump right on board the train and be all giddy about it. Besides, I'm getting rid of the thing anyways." I took a sip of punch and grabbed a piece of orange from the table.

"Well, he doesn't understand your situation at all. He thinks you just fell into Malfoy's arms willingly."

"But that's not true." Ginny muttered to herself and turned to Ron who was currently dancing with some Ravenclaw girl.

I shook my head and leaned against the table and looked around the room, admiring the decor. It looked just like the Yule Ball in my fourth year. 

I remembered dancing in this very room with Viktor Krum, a Bulgarian Quidditch Seeker who any girl would kill for.  I was a very lucky girl.

People whispered around me about the other day and snickered.  Some gossiped about how I was pregnant and others just laughed about how I was Draco's "newest victim."

I narrowed my eyes and snapped my head towards one Slytherin girl who was gossiping with a Ravenclaw about how stupid Draco was to fall for a knowledge freak, such as myself. 

"I know, right? Her hair's usually so bushy it looks like it got run over.  I wonder what amazing enchantment actually held it in place." The Slytherin girl with blonde hair and blue eyes whispered.  She wasn't really keeping her voice down like she wanted to though, the stupid prat.

"Well, at least I'm not so pale I look ghostly." I replied and 'accidentally' tripped and spilled my drink all over her dress.

"Oh, I'm so sorry about that." I frowned.  The Ravenclaw grinned at my doings and then I snapped my head in her direction. 

"Think Draco's a fool?" I growled at her.  Her grin immediately faded. 

"N-no." She mumbled.

"Don't lie." I glared at her.

She shook her head and her red pony tail swished back and forth.   I clenched my fists and punched her square in the jaw.  She fell over, and looked up at me, scared.  A look of terror in her eyes.

"Now that-" I gestured to her whilst addressing everyone in the crowd. "-Goes for anyone here who thinks its funny to pick on the bloody fucking bookworm.  I suggest you find someone else to pick on." I skipped away from the two girls and I heard giggling in my head.

"Get out, Draco."

"You just fucking knocked someone down on their arse.  I came to say congratulations, you're officially bad ass."

"That's not the first person I've punched before.  Remember?"

"Shut up." He immediately left my thoughts and I sighed with relief.

As I walked around, greeting people and saying hello to the Weasley's, I felt my abdomen grow a little and my dress tighten around my waist.

I gasped and looked down to see a tiny bump on my stomach.  This couldn't be possible.  I had only conceived a few days ago.

I looked around for that pointy hat and immediately found it.  I briskly walked over to the professor and practically dragged her into the hall.

"Miss Granger, what are you-? Oh my." She cut herself off and looked st my stomach.

"What is this!?" I pointed at it.

"Well, you're due in a month, so obviously it's going to grow fairly quickly."  She had a lopsided smile upon her face as she examined my stomach.

A month!?

"WHAT!?" I screeched.

"We already went over this the other day, dear.  Now, go in and have fun and try not to punch anyone else." McGonagall dismissed me and I slumped my shoulders.

I was due in one month total.  This thing is like a freak of nature.  Why didn't I listen to McGonagall!?

I won't be able to visit a muggle doctor in a long time.  Not until summer.  I was going to have to have a baby.

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