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The next day I woke up and took a shower. Today was the Quidditch meet. Gryffindor against Slytherin. I know for a fact that Harry and Malfoy won't be friendly on the field, seeing how every point counts. Off field, they'd act like friends.


Something about him made me very happy. I smiled as I brushed my teeth in the Prefect dorm washroom. Ronald was currently yelling at me to hurry up.

"Hermione! Hurry up!" He yawned at me.

"Five more minutes!" I yelled back.

Ron groaned from outside. I brushed my hair and sighed. I look different. That's when it happened. I went blind. Completely blind. "Oh shit." I muttered. Everything was black.

"What?" Ron asked.

"Just stating the obvious!" I shouted back. I heard a disgusted voice. I felt a snap in my neck and I let out a cry. I tried to keep it silent but I fell to the floor as my knees gave out. One more minute. One minute.

That's when my body started to seizure and I felt my fingers shorten as they snapped. Tears ran down my face and I let out a whine as my elbows cracked in half.

"Hermione!? You okay?" Ron was on the other side of the door and I heard him open it. Shit.

"D-don't!" I cried. Finally it stopped. Ron was by my side on the floor and reassuring me it was going to be okay. I grabbed my wand and got up as my sight came by.

"Hermione... Your eyes..." He mumbled I turned around and looked into the mirror. My eyes were a emerald green colour. Not the brown they were before hand.

I turned around to a confused and concerned looking Ronald. I gripped my wand and put it up against Ronald's throat. "Tell anyone and I'll kill you." I hissed. He looked at me shocked.

"I won't! I swear." He was scared. Good. "Just let me go!" He cried as I dug the wand deeper into his throat.

"Just for extra measure, Olbiviate." I only took away the memory from the past ten minutes and stuck my wand in my back pocket.

"Hermione, what happened to your eyes?" He asked as he cleared his thoughts.

"I charmed them to look different." I lied. I keep getting better and better at this. It's scary. What happened to the innocent Hermione Jean Granger? The one who had her head stuck in books? I guess she left us for good.

"Oh. I like it." He smiled and turned towards the sink. "Hermione, I'm sorry for acting that way like I did yesterday. I understand that you guys are ready to give Malfoy a second chance and all... But I'm not ready to give him another chance until he proves worthy."

I nodded. "I understand." I was on the line between trusting him and not. The guy called me a lot of mean things and ruined a good chunk of my time here at Hogwarts. Part of me is saying to not trust him, and shun him, but at the same time the other part of me is saying go ahead. Trust him.

I left the washroom and wished Ron good luck, seeing as he was keeper. Ron and I were head girl and head boy now. Such odd how things changed so fast. I went back across the small hallway and into my room. I changed into a pair of jeans and a red Hogwarts t-shit.

I exited and left through the Gryffindor common room, that was currently emptied of all students. All but Ginny.

"He-" She looked at my face a little closer. "Your eyes." She muttered.

"I know. It happened this morning. Your brother walked in on it and saw the whole thing, but then I had to wipe his memory and-"

"WHAT!?" She screeched. "You could've turned his brain to mush!"

"But, I didn't." I pointed out. "He's still the same old pig-like Ronald McDonald Weasley."


"Muggle stuff, but anyways, he's safe. I'm safe. All is good."

Ginny cleared her throat and pointed at my eye balls. "Nope. Your eyes are different."

That's when I grabbed my wand and fasted a charm on my eyes. "Now they should be the normal brown they were earlier."

Ginny crossed her arms and sighed. "I think it's time to tell them."

"Well I don't. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and eat my breakfast." I said and swerved around the small ginger on my way to the portrait hole.

Once on my way to the Great Hall I heard people talking. McGonagall and Slughorn.

"Are you sure there isn't anything?" She asked saddened.

"Positive. Nothing can break a curse like that, and if there was anything, it would've already been done." Slughorn replied.


"I feel terrible for the poor girl. You can see her changing every week." Minerva replied. I peeked around the corner into the classroom to see her frown. "And the fact that her grades are dropping drastically scares me. It's so unlike her."

That's when I knocked on the door. "Professors?"

Both of them turned around and McGonagall fixed her frown. "Hermione dear! How may we help you?"

Hum, well. Let's see. First off why are you in an empty classroom chatting about ME? Second, why are you looking for a cure when you already told me there wasn't one?

"I just came here because I remembered I might have forgot one of my study papers from the other day, when I came in here for DADA." I lied. I stepped into the class and then grabbed a loose piece of paper on the desk.

I left the scene. I told McGonagall not to inform any other professor. It's my personal business and I'll tell people when I feel comfortable doing so. So much for that.

(A/N: sorry for short update. Thinking of deleting... Yeah... Not proud of this one. Tell me what you think and vote!)

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