The Hard Times (Zouis Mpreg)

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Disclaimer: Everything in this story is made up I own none of the boys or anything along those lines that may arise in the story, it's a work of fiction, Please comment and I love hearing constructive criticism so if you see any errors or mistakes please let me know!


Louis POV


I groaned and rolled over as I heard Niall yelling at me.

"GET UP, GET UP, GET UP." He continued to shout while jumping on my bed.

"I'm up okay, why you so bloody excited and waking me up at, " I paused to look over at the clock. "7:30?" I asked my-slightly annoying at times -Irish friend.

"Because today we finish recording our album." Niall said with a beaming smile on his face.

I was so thank full to finally be finishing this album. It had been the longest so far, with writing the songs, making them all work and recording it all. I will be glad when it's over.

Niall jumped from my bed and ran from the room as he smelt food.

I pulled on navy blue sweats and wondered down the stairs topless.

"Hey sexy." I heard a low voice whisper in my ear as I sat at the kitchen bench.

I turned to see Harry standing next to me, he ran his long fingers down my abbs ending just above my trousers. He started to kiss my neck leaving a hug hickey when Liam lent forward to place a plate of food in front of me and one next to me for Harry. Liam leaned in to give me a peck to the lips as Harry let me go.

Niall and Zayn had now joined us to eat our pancakes.

We all ate excitedly for we were eager to finish the album and get to the studio.

When we were finished we all helped wash and put away our plates and ran off to our room to change.

I hoped into my shower starting to relax. When Niall jumped in with me.

Myself and the boys have a weird relationship you could say. We all hug, kiss and fuck each other. We all love each other but not in a 'I'm in love with you' way.

Niall massaged shampoo into my hair then rinsed it out leaving a parting kiss to Niall I jumped out the shower, drying my self off and walking into my room not bothering to cover myself.

Niall soon after me walked out stark naked as well giving me a wink as he left my bedroom.

I pulled out black skinny jeans, a white lose vest top and vans. I styled my hair in a quiff and was ready for the day after brushing my teeth. I strolled down stairs and sat on the sofa to wait for the others. I was always the first ready.

Finally at 10:30 AM we left the house to go to the studio. Our driver drove us the hour and a half it took to get there. On the journey we planned on what we would do tonight.

"We go out and get hammered?!" Harry input.

"You know we aren't aloud to get drunk in public at the moment." Liam reminded us all. We all groaned in unison at this, management take away all our fun.

"Okay then, we don't go out to get drunk, we bring the alcohol to us." I suggested.

"I like that. Good idea Lou." Niall agreed.

"And we could play some party games." Zayn input.

"We are not playing party games." Liam said.

"No, not party games per say, but truth and dare and shot games." Zayn winked.

The Hard Times Zouis/Larry  MpregWhere stories live. Discover now