Joshua // Crush

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After school, you were at a library studying for a huge exam. You felt your eyes get heavier and heavier until you couldn't help but fall asleep right on a world history text book. While you were sleeping you heard a low, sweet voice telling you to wake up. You recognized that voice and woke up. You saw Joshua's handsome, sweet smile and asked,"O-oppa, what are you doing here?" He replied,"Oh I was returning a book that was overdue since last week and saw you sleeping on that text book, you looked so adorable sleeping." You blushed tomato red and turned around about to leave, but you felt someone grab your wrist. You were about to let go of the grab, but then you felt someone pulling you in for a hug. When you looked to see who was hugging you, you realized the hug was from the loving Joshua. He gazed into your eyes and whispered,"I love you, (y/n)" You couldn't believe that your crush actually loved you and you were about to reply that you loved him back, but he leaned in and gave you a sweet kiss. When he broke the kiss he asked," (y/n), will you be my girlfriend?" You replied crying happily, "Yes, Jisoo."

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