"Hi dear, I just need you to fill out this information sheet quickly and drop it off at the table over there." She said. I thanked her and took the paper and a pen, leaving the line. My family followed me over to one of the many tables and I sat down, starting to fill out the information sheet.

"Are you ready for this, Caitlin?" Dad asked after a few minutes of silence.

"I'm ready as I'll ever be, dad."


I was standing at the yellow tape line on the floor, holding the cool microphone in my hand. The time for my audition has come and I was standing right outside the stage. I could hear the audience talking and cheering for what the judges were telling the contestant right now. The teenage boy had received good compliments for his voice, although at thirteen he was just too young for the business. I thanked my stars that I was nineteen and not young enough to be turned away.

Another few minutes passed and the young boy came off the stage with tears in his eyes, being that he received four no's. My heart ached for him, I was a sucker for kids and seeing him so upset hurt. I wanted to make him feel better, though I don't know how to. He was so young and this can be such a hurtful business. It all comes down to who can sing and who can't.

"You can go up now." Someone told me.

I followed the worker's instructions and started to walk up the stairs that led me to the stage. I closed my eyes for a second as I walked, letting myself feel the energy that was flowing through the air. It seemed silly, but I swore I could feel the energy. The entire room buzzed with excitement, all wondering if the next person would be able to sing or not. I couldn't wait to show them that I can sing. I was ready to blow their minds.

I opened my eyes and continued out onto the stage. The four judges all sat in a row, the judges panel in front of them. They were all looking at me, in an almost intimidating way. Both L.A. and Brittany were looking at me with a neutral face, Demi looked hopeful, and Simon just looked like… well the usual hard ass he seemed to be.

"Hi." I smiled, standing in front of them. I wasn't sure if my stage confidence surprised them or not, but I hoped it did. I wanted to show them that I did have the x factor.

"I just love your hair, it's so pretty." Demi said.

"Thanks Demi." I said.

"What's your name sweetheart?" Simon asked me.

"My name is Caitlin West." I said.

"And where are you from?"

"I'm from Brewster, New York." I said, the audience cheering as the state of New York was mentioned. I smiled, laughing a little bit. I felt so at home here on the stage. I felt like I finally belonged somewhere.

"How old are you?" Brittany asked.

"I'm nineteen." I answered.

"So Caitlin, what brought you here today? Why are you auditioning for the X Factor?" L.A. asked me.

"Well," I swallowed, "I'm here because this is my dream. Ever since I was younger I wanted to sing. I want to produce music and I want people to fall in love with my music." I said.

"Okay… start whenever you're ready." Simon said. I nodded, taking a small step back. I brought the microphone up to my lips, as I watched the sound check nod at me as a cue to start.

"If I should stay, I would only be in your way. So I'll go, but I know, I'll think of you every step of the way. And I… will always love you, ooh. Will always love, you. My darling, you, mmm-mm." I sang in one of my higher vocals. I heard the audience cheer and I smiled, continuing with the song.

"Bittersweet memories - that is all I'm taking with me. So good-bye. Please don't cry; we both know I'm not what you, you need." I sang. So far none of the judges have made a move to stop me, I think that they want to hear me sing the longer and harder to reach notes. Little did they know that I could sing those notes easily.

"And I… will always love you," I sang, the crowd cheering loudly. "I… will always love you. You, ooh." I sang. Being that the next part of the song was an instrumental part, Simon raised his hand before the audition ran too long. As it is, it's only supposed to be roughly a minute and thirty seconds or so.

"Wow…" Simon said as the cheering arena died down. "That was… brilliant. I don't think we've heard that much talent from such a small girl in a while. Are you sure you're nineteen?" He asked.

I laughed, "Yes, I'm sure."

"Honestly Caitlin, that was amazing. I have chills, actual chills. Let's get down to a vote, I vote yes." Demi said.

"I guess we don't have a say, huh Brittany?" L.A. laughed, "It's a yes from me too. You're too talented to say no to." L.A. said. My knees grew weak at the fact that I got two yes' already. I just need one more to get into boot camp. Please God… please.

"It's a yes from me too." Brittany said. I let out a sigh of relief, I was going to boot camp. I was going to start living my dream.

"You've got four yes'." Simon said. I nearly fell to my knees at his words. Never would I have imagined that I would receive four yes'. I expected at least one, I’m not going to lie. But never in my wildest dreams would I have gotten four yes'.

"Thank you, thank you so much." I said before walking off the stage.

My dad was waiting for me at the stairs and I ran, jumping into his open arms. There were tears trailing down my cheeks as we hugged. I felt like I was in a dream. I couldn't believe that I had gotten through. This was the start of something, I could feel it. I felt like something amazing was going to happen at boot camp. This was amazing.


There's Caitlin's audition. I hope you liked it. I really don't have that much to say haha….

Please VOTE and COMMENT my lil' Gummy Worms!!

~ Amanda xx

--Gif on the side is of Caitlin!!

--Video on the side is of the song she chose to audition with. Oh and I imagine Caitlin sounding obviously like Ariana Grande, but you can imagine her sounding as whoever you'd like haha

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