"So Chris tell me how you met my daughter." My mama said, breaking the silence. I cut my eyes at her. "Ma I already told-"

"I'm asking Chris darling, not you. Eat your food." My mama replied, cutting me off. Chris put down the applesauce he was feeding Royalty, wiping his hands. "Well without me knowing, my mama hired Kyrie to be my personal assistant since the other one had to quit because of getting pregnant." Chris answered simply.

My mama nodded. "Okay what I really wanna know is, when did you start to show a genuine interest in my daughter because last time I checked you were super desperate trying to get back Katrina-"

"It's Karrueche ma." Kyrell corrected.

"Yeah her." Mama waved him off. "You and Karma had a pretty messy break up am I right?"

I stabbed my potatoes with my fork, cutting my eyes at my mom. "What does this have to do-"

"No Ky it's okay. I'm willing to answer her questions." Chris said cutting me off. "Yes me and Karrueche had a bad breakup. I was only trying to fight for the woman I loved."

"Do you love Kyrie?"

"Yes I do love her." Chris answered, intertwining our fingers as he looked at me. I couldn't help but to blush.

"Aw that's so sweet." Mama smirked. "How do you know you really love her?"

"To me Kyrie is everything. She's loyal, smart, funny, hardworking, caring, humble. I may sound like DJ Khaled right now, but it's the truth. She sees the good in me even when I don't see it in myself. And everything about your daughter Mrs. Taylor is genuine and real. She's not with me for the money or what I can give to her. She loves me for me and all the craziness that comes with it, and I love and appreciate her for that." Chris confessed. I couldn't help but to smile hearing Chris pour his heart out like that. "I love you too baby." I whispered, kissing him.

"That's nice to hear." My mama said unfazed. "I hope you mean those words Chris cause I know how yall celebrities are, thinking yall can have any and everyone. At one point you was claiming to be in love with Katie and Rita at the same time."

"It's Rihanna." Samantha scoffed.

"Don't try to correct me Sammie!" Mama hissed.

"Her names Samantha." Kyrell said.

"And I call her Sammie. Now shut up boy." Mama replied. I resisted the urge to laugh, pouring myself a glass of red wine.

"Now what I said is true right? You were in love with Kathy and Rayna at the same time?" She questioned. Chris let out a long breathe. I could tell he was getting irritated with my mother's interrogations. "Yes at one point I was. But I'm not the same person I was last year or two year's ago. That's old news." Chris said.

"I hope it is." Mama said, sipping her wine. "Cause I'll raise hell if you break my daughters heart because of an ex."

"Ma, I think you've had enough to drink." Kyrell chuckled nervously, reaching for her glass. "I'm just getting started." She laughed, snatching it away. "But back to you Chris. I really hope you practice what you preach. In my opinion, Ricky ain't even that cute with her big ass forehead. She got some cute eyes though. And Karla just need to go back to her hometown Vietnam where she came from."

I choked on my water, causing me to cough profusely. My mama really was cutting up. "You alright?" Chris asked, rubbing my back. "Yeah baby I'm fine." I coughed.

"And don't even get me started on that baby mother of yours. What's her name? NaeNae? Like the dance?" Mama questioned.

"It's Nia." Samantha corrected with an eyeroll.

"Shut yo Willy Wonka lookin ass up." Mama scoffed, downing another glass of wine. At this point she had definitely had enough to drink.

"She just look old and tie'd. Ancient. You definitely could've did better." My mama said, shaking her head.

"Ma, you need to chill." I smirked, hoping she would shut up soon. Chris stood up, grabbing Royalty from the high chair.

"Leaving so soon?" Mama giggled.

Chris's jaw clenched and I could tell he was mad. "No disrespect Mrs. Taylor but I won't tolerate you bad mouthing Royalty's mother in front of her. We have our differences, but at the end of the day that's still her mother. You gotta respect that." without another word Chris exited the dining room, going to the door. He slammed the door, causing everyone to jump.

I stood up, glaring at her. "Why mama?"

"Chile please I was just playing around. Lightskins are emotional ya know." She shrugged, unbothered. I loved my mother to death but she could be so extra sometimes. I ran out of the house, running to the car to see Chris buckling Royalty in.

"Chris I'm so sorry, my mama has no filter-"

"Well that makes two of us cause I was about to cuss her out. That's why I'm leaving." Chris said, cutting me off. It was obvious my mother's words had gotten under his skin.

"You coming back with us to the hotel or staying here?" Chris asked. "I haven't seen my family in awhile so I'm staying here. I'll see you tomorrow." I sighed.

Chris closed the door, facing me. "I love you." he said, gently pecking my lips.

"I love you too."

After saying our goodbyes, I watched as Chris's car dissappeared down the street before walking back inside the house.

So much for trying to have a nice family dinner.


Mama Taylor and Kyrell in the mm...

Mama Taylor was going in on everybody...

I laughed so much writing this chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it..




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