Chapter Four: Ember Pearson

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I blush profoundly. Why did he have to hear me say that?

"What the hell are you doing here!?" Sophia demands. I catch a tad bit of fear in her eyes, but it's quickly replaced by anger.

Lutz shrugs and takes a drag from his cigarette. "I came to see mein kätzchen."

"I am not whatever the fuck you just called me." I declare. Even if I really want to be. Lutz's violet eyes are trained on my chest. I blush as I look down at my breasts and discover that my shirt is removed (probably so Sophia could address my wound), and I am clad only in my rather revealing purple bra. "And quit staring at my boobs, you pervert."

"Not my fault you've got such a nice rack." He smirks as he puffs out some smoke.


"Shut up! You're going to wake up Markell!" Sophia interjects.

"Too late." A rough voice says from next to me.

I let out a little "eek", as I was not expecting him to be there. The male has spiked blonde hair, his eyes a dark blue. He has multiple scars on his face, arms, and chest. His only article of clothing is a pair of red sweatpants. A battle axe is in his hand. I assume this is Markell.

He looks at Lutz for a while, then says, "What do want? Never mind, don't answer that. Just get out of my house."

"This is an apartment."

"Fuck off."

"Still pissed at me for our last little scuffle?" Lutz is grinning the Cheshire Cat as he crosses his muscular arms over his chest.

"I would hardly call kidnaping and torturing my girlfriend for information a 'little scuffle'."

"I was following orders."

"Yeah, because you can't think for yourself."

"Boys, calm down before you rip each others throats out." Sophia interjects. Markell and Lutz share one last glare before quieting down. "Now that that's settled, get the hell out, Lutz."

"Not without Ember." He responded cooly.

"I'm not stupid. I know that as soon as you two are alone you're going to rape her and leave her for dead."

"I'm not going to rape her you dummkopf, I'm just going to take her to her vater."

Oh shit. Totally forgot about him. I turn my head toward Lutz. "I'll go."

"Gut." He then proceeds to scoop me up in his (very muscular) arms. I feel my face heat up. "Can you walk?"

"Yes." Lutz raises an eyebrow, but gently places me on my feet. I immediately collapse onto him. "No." It could be my imagination, but I swear to God that he cracks a tiny smile.

"Looks like I'm carrying you, then."

The walk back to my apartment is silient. But a comforting silence, not an awkward one.

When we get there, I reach my hand out to open the door handle, only to find out it's locked. "It's locked."

"Thank you, captain obvious." Lutz sets me down, and I cling to his torso with my left arm to keep from falling over. A few seconds later, I hear a click and the door swings open.

"That was fast." I observe.

"This isn't the first place I've broken into." He says as he carries me to an empty bedroom and sets me down on the bed.

Then he does the unexpected, and starts to undress until he remains in only his boxers. The embarrassing part is that I can't look away because Holy mother of God this guy is hot.

Lutz notices my staring and smirks. "Like what you see, schatz?" He asks as he flops down onto my bed.

"What are you doing?!"

"Spending the night."

"My father will-"

"Your vater will be fine. Gute Nacht, kätzchen." He murmurs as he nuzzles his head into my neck.

I roll my eyes. "Good night, asshat."

Mein kätzchen- my kitten in German
Dummkopf- blockhead in German
Vater- father in German
Schatz- treasure in German
Gute Nacht, kätzchen- good night, kitten in German
Gut- good in German

Translations made using Google Translate, sorry for any incorrectness.

So sorry this took a million years. The holidays were super busy and I have midterms next week. So yeah. Thank you for reading, comments and votes are appreciated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2016 ⏰

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