Chapter One: Ember Pearson

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If looks could kill, I, Ember Pearson, would be dead. The glare my father was giving me was unbearable. I hadn't meant to upset him, it just sort of happened. I had been complaining about the long car ride to our new home in Whispering Glen, and dad said everything would be "just fine", then I said something like "kind of like how mom was 'just fine'?" and then he got all mad.

About an hour later, we passed through a tiny run-down town that had kids around my age (17) smoking and drinking on the side walks. At least, I thought we were passing through until my father announced "Here we are, Em."

No fucking way. We were moving here?! I looked out the passenger side window again to get a better look at the citizens. Upon further inspection, I saw most of them had weapons. Then I saw a pretty blonde girl get slapped across the face by who I assume to be her boyfriend. I already hated this place, and I hadn't even gotten out of the car yet.

We pulled into the parking lot of a run down motel that I realized was actually an apartment complex. "I do get my own room, right?" I asked.

"Yup. The apartment we're going to be living in has two bedrooms, a kitchen/living area, and a bathroom." My father answers. "You don't start school for two days, so you have some time to settle in."

Because two days is enough time to totally re-adjust my entire life.

My father parks the car, and I make my way to trunk to help him unpack. "Ember, I can unpack by myself, why don't you try and make a friend or two?"

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, 'cause I really want all my friends to be drug dealers and covered in tattoos." I suddenly feel like I'm being watched. I look around, but no one is there.

He gives me a sad smile. "Em, please try. Just for me?"

"Hmpf. Fine." As I walk down the sidewalk, the feeling that I'm being watched comes back. I spin around frantically, and I'm met with a pair of chocolatey brown eyes. "HOLY SHIT! What eff, man?" The girl has a cream colored sweater, jeans, and frilly brown boots. Her snow white hair is up in a messy bun.

The girl laughs. "You must be new here."

I glare at her. "How do you know?"

"Because if you had been her for at least twenty-four hours you would know who I was. Also, you're un-armed. My name is Sophia Hope, by the way."

"I'm Ember Pearson." Sophia looks to be about my age. "How old are you?"

"Seventeen. And you?"

"Same here."

She nods. "You want me to show you ropes?"

On one hand, my mind is yelling at me for giving my name and age to a random stranger, but on the other hand, I kind of need a friend, so I decide to accept her request. "Sure."

We walk along the sidewalk as Sophia starts to explain things to me. "First thing you should know: if you're out from five o'clock pm to four o'clock am (like we are now), have some sort of weapon. I have some pepper spray and a small pocked knife I always keep with me. Second: Whispering Glen is controlled by four main gangs, the Axis, the Nordics, F.A.C.E, and the Russian Mafia. The North part belongs to The Nordics and F.A.C.E, the east to the Axis, and the South and West belong to the Russian Mafia. You live in Axis territory, I live in Nordic territory. Don't tread on F.A.C.E or Russian land unless you want to get shot."

By now, we had made our way back to my apartment building. "I'll see you at school tomorrow, right?" Sophia asked hopefully.

"No, I start on Thursday."

"Oh. I guess I'll see you at that cafe we passed at three o'clock tomorrow." And with that, my new friend disappeared into the night.

And reached for the doorknob to the apartment complex, when I was suddenly yanked backwards with a gun pressed the side of my head. "I wouldn't move if I were you, mädchen."

Mädchen- Girl in German

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