An Interesting Perspective

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Joan is watching S5xE, "Dark Side of the Moon" of Supernatural, when Will walks in the door.

(((((Joan's POV)))))

Dean Winchester: "Your heaven is somebody else's Thanksgiving, okay? It's bailing on your family. I mean, what do you want me to say?"

Sam Winchester: "Man, I never got the crusts cut off my PB&J... I just don't look at family the way you do."

Dean Winchester: "Yeah, but I'm your family. We're supposed to be a team, it's supposed to be you and me against the world, right?"

Sam Winchester: "Dean, it is."

Dean Winchester: "...Is it?"

The door creaks open and a dog's collar jangles slightly on the doorstep.
Dad's home.

"New episode?" he chuckles, leading this new dog through the house.
"Kitchen sink, where you left it after we cleaned up Sammy" I chuckle, referring to the metal tub we use to bathe the new dogs. "Rerun, to answer your question. Season 5, Darkside of the moon.'s the one where they awake in heaven, relive all their best memories, seeking out Joshua".
He raises an eyebrow. "Interesting perspective"
"You have a different one of the afterlife?" I question.
"Not necessarily, it's certainly a reassuring one"
He gets real quiet for a minute, so I change the subject. "He got a name yet?"
"I was hoping you'd help me with that" a smile grew on his face as he said this.
One on mine too as I gazed at the friendly mutt for a few moments.
"He looks like a Winston", I answer.
"Winston......" he repeats. ".....Not Dean?" he adds with a soft chuckle.
"Shut up"
"Come on then...." he motions for me to follow, "if you're not too busy with..." he nods toward the TV.
"Pause buttons are surprisingly useful" I reply with a smirk.
He chuckles as I follow him and Winston out the door.

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